Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trick, or Treat Adventure with Belvadar

Hey guys! I think this may just turn into Halloween month here at DPK. FallenAngel has really got me in the mood with his spooky extravaganza today. This image started out a lot simpler. Fallen just kept adding more and more mayhem to it. Always rising the occasion, he's created a whole slew of new friends for Belvadar. Love his spirit guide and the pumpkin king. I wonder if he is racing ahead to set up some mischief? The parallel of the owl and bat is very ingenius. :P Thanks FallenAngel for the Halloween masterpiece! :D

Next we have Belvadar in the many hands of a new character! Just who and what this ghostly being is, is left to be seen. All will be explained this October though. This perilous picture was produced by Darian821. This is my third commission with the talented artist in just a few short days. He certainly knows how to keep the fun quality pictures coming. Highly recommended to commission. He does one mean Belvadar! Love how sexy he makes him! Thanks so much for taking on this crazy idea Darian. :D


  1. I'm happy you love this one, I like the Pumpkin King, nice name you gave him - FallenAngel

  2. Thanks man! Hee hee I think it fits him well. You certainly given me a lot to work with. ;)

  3. Lots of Halloween themes stuffs, even characters too. Really nice new work coming out of ya, today! :D

  4. Oh, the Fallen work it's so funny and cute !! =D

    And Darian821 work is sexy and nice color!



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