This GORGEOUS image was drawn up by FeralElf and is so freaking professionally coloured by Caravaggia. Another perfect team up! The results are breathtaking. FeralElf made Maxie HUGE, with a sweet thin Torso, juicy pectorals, and Abs that look like they are right out of Class, which is great because Maxie was made to have fun with Cam! :P Caravaggia, I am gonna say this, your colouring gets better every time. It was awesome to start, so that is no easy feet! You really captured the spirit of FeralElfs vision and brought it right out for the world to bow to.
This is Sirios thick hunky version of the Mouse built to take on a Cat!

I love how his cock head and lips are glistening! Sirio is great at giving characters a thick HARD chest! Sirio is also wicked at making a perfect card feel to a commission. Cute stars, man wish I got a card like this on my b-day growing up. XD It looks like Maxie trimed his pubes a bit so Gnin could get in a little closer.. XD Man, I don't know about you guys, but I would have a hard time choosing between that cock, or a big piece of that chocolate cheese cake! LOL. Thank you Sirio, he's really cute. I like how you made his teeth kinda stick out a bit when he smiles, like they are bit bigger then a humans and more like a mouse. Nice touch! Very sexy eyebrows and dreamy lazy eyes.
From Mice, let's move to Kangaroos! Did you know Imanno can turn into Joey? I commissioned Demona to do Imanno. Just for fun she sketch up Joey in appreciation for all my help. I decided to give her the full amount and switch Imanno for a completed Joey. Poor Imanno, he will have his day! XD
Naughty boy, sticking out his tongue like that! He is so playful before his workout! XD
My reaction:
He turned out really nice! I love his round muscular arms and the cute penis! Peeking head!!! XD He is so naughty!!! XD
Excellent work!!! I have to say that is one heck of a pretty handkerchief. That blue is out of this world. ^_^ It's perfect just like the rest of him. Thank you for letting me watch you draw him!
Joey is sure popular...yesterday I was given some amazing fan art from FeralElf. Gosh, did it help cheer me up. ;)

Swing low!!! OMG the ball action is LEGEND! HA HA HA! There is a ton of great motion here. Joey must have ass muscles of STEEL to handle that powerful tail. FeralElf is well talented in making big cute boys. He is also amazing at doing great hair. Joeys legs look powerful and yet so cozy and inviting. I can see myself clinging to those..with his balls hitting my head! XD Those blond pubes would be perfect for running my fingers through. Thank you so much man. You were a ray of much needed sun light yesterday. ^_^
Check out Baralusts most delightful image this week! LOLZ XD

This is Baralust second last commission for me and it's by far one of his most exciting and sexual images ever! He got Spot SPOT ON! He's so cute and perfect! This one had everyone taking a third and second look! XD This was actually going to be two images, but Baralust was very interested in pairing the boys. Spot and Joey seem to go very well together! XD A great idea, I said go for it! And man am I glad I did. Look at that vein covered rocket between Joeys legs. Joey and Spot are shooting out more cum then most of us can in a week! :)
My reaction:
DUDE this image exploded my mind up!!! Joey is so freaking hot! Those big muscles and that chunky spiked hair, so thick and sexy!!!! What a blast of cum!! The dripping ooze has me dripping...ooze! LOL. Spot is PERFECT!!! SO cute and big!!!! I could not have wished for a better match up! Thank you so much!:kiss::wink::heart:
Moving on to big buff guys, Ink-B made a very special image just for this blog. He took an older sketch from last year, touched it up big time and made it look like a post card from decades past. The colouring is out of this world. Mixed with the characters slightly wavy hair, it defiantly echos the ideal gay man of decades past. The soft drapes add a tender romantic feel to the image, counter balancing the hunks hard body and beckoning you come closer. Another Ink-B masterpiece. Sometimes good art needs a little time and inspiration. :)
This reminds me of scene from a movie called Journey to Italy 2. I should try to find some clips from that.
Last, but not least is the completed image of He-Man by Lastmanouthere:
I have already expressed how in love with this image I am, but that colouring!!! I just want to lick his thick creamy skin up and down like some hunky butterscotch piece of beefcake! XD The dark shading around the eyes give him a great deal of focus and power. He is ready for battle and sex at the same time. Just fantastic man, your image is very popular and I am very proud of your great achievement here. He's fan-freaking-tastic!
wow, looks like more winners for ya! And even some of Gnin's OC there, which is awesome. Of course another wish that he had a happy birthday. :3 I am sure he did after you and so many nice artists gave some serious props! Good work!