Monday, September 29, 2014
Zerimar's Sexy Super Fighter Frank
Recently Zerimar introduced me to the 20th anniversary edition of the game Super Fighter. It's a very old school game that came during the great age of Fighters. I really have to thank him for introducing me to such a hidden gem of a tittle. The way to play the game is to download it, but it's all on the up and up. It's actually free to download from the companies official site. The game was produced for the PC in 1993. As far as I know, it was never ported to any home consoles. The game didn't originate from Japan, but from Taiwan! It became the first hit fighting game to come out of Taiwan.
Now 20 years later, it's been lucky enough to have been given a huge makeover. This new edition builds on the old one, with tons of new animation frames, new moves and even new music. It's always nice to see games from this era giving this kind of treatment. (And not just being turned into gritty 3D remakes.) The effort on display here can really show the difference between the hard working little guys and the fat lazy big boys like Nintendo. (Super Mario 25th anniversary ROM dump on Wii anyone?)
Zerimar became infatuated with the silver haired fighter Frank from the game. (Not that I can blame him! He is a looker isn't he? XD) In the most beautiful way he could to show his affection for both the game and the character he created the above piece. Frank is giving himself a little massage. Making sure his pectorals are all nice and tight for the fight. He did a super job on this character, working with the 20 something playful side, displayed in his profile images. (Though his story makes him out to be a much darker and tortured character then the art would have you assume him to be.) I found this to be lovely tribute and one that I hope will help increase awareness of this game and bring the characters attention to more gay fighting game fans then ever before. Thank you for introducing me to this game and sending such sweet fan art to share. :)
Frank is just one of many hot studs found in the game. Ah, the gold age, when every fighter had a sweet selection of stud muffins! :P You can download the game here: SUPER FIGHTER AKA FATAL ENCOUNTER
Street Fighter,
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Witch Boy Blaine's Candy Cauldron
Well Summer is officially over, so it is with great anticipation that I start the Halloween season here in our little kingdom. This year we are starting off with a touch of class. An utterly charming painting done by Astasia666. On that echos the very finest vintage Halloween pieces.
All the around the cauldron cats form a merry ring
Gayly awaiting the candy Blain will Fling
Candy fragrance fills the air attracting Halloween pair so beau
The sexy and enchanting Misters Crow and Scarecrow!
Gayly awaiting the candy Blain will Fling
Candy fragrance fills the air attracting Halloween pair so beau
The sexy and enchanting Misters Crow and Scarecrow!
I really how you guys like it. It's been too long since we featured her art here. I really wanted to do something extra special with her because of that. So instead of the usual bookmark style pieces, we went with a huge festive piece. :) I couldn't think of a better way to start the season then bringing back and old friend in such style and class.
I have many more Halloween pieces coming. This year I plan to introduce a new Halloween character and post stuff from around the net that fits the gay erotic Halloween theme! Maybe I should run a contest...
Mr. Crow,
Mr. ScareCrow,
Witch Blaine
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Gigantic Jerk Off With Dimata
Hey Guys, just a quick post tonight, of Dimata jerking off. Really nice piece, but not one of my better experiences with an artist. The artist basically demanded payment upfront and then vanished for 4 months. Instead of using my e-mails, or the site I first communicated with them on, they sought me out on sites I don't frequent,. The only way I found their communication sent weeks prior was because I was checking out a friends works on the site. Had he never showed me his stuff, I would still be wondering where this was. Somehow the artists lost all e-mails, or so I am told. Completed item was thrown online long before being sent to me. No sketches, or anything were previously sent my way. Finally images was sent with a giant watermark on it and all requests to have it removed were ignored. So yeah, not sure I can recommend this artist to anyone, despite the very nice end result. I'm not pissed, just very disappointed that he treats customers in such a manner.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Now That's Interesting...Jacob Mott's Adventures Of Lawsuit and T-Boy Comic Coming Soon
Class Comics have been knocking out one surprise after another this week. Last week it was Dective Anvil and now not 7 days later we have the cover reveal of Lawsuit and T-Boy. I find this very exciting and I think many other people will too. For YEARS people have asked me if I had this full comic, or knew where they could get it. Through a lot of research we learned that only a few pages were ever produced. (At least for the public eye.) People never seemed satisfied and many a friend continued to hunt for updates, year after year. So yeah, this is gonna be outstanding. A lost project finally seeing the light of day thanks to Class Comics. Patrick says they are aiming for a fall release. With the Cybersix like sexy zombie bad guys, if they could kick this one out by Halloween, it would be the ultimate holiday treat this October 31st! What ever the date, I will be first in line! LOL!
Class Comics,
Jacob Mott,
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Vann Illia and Kraw Lash In CG
Hello guys, I have a special treat from the artist Lenn520. I asked Lenn to do a couple pin up images of Kraw Lash and Vann Illia. With his talents we get to see what they characters might look like in a computer animated movie, or 3D video game! He did an amazing job and I am thrilled to be able to share them with you tonight. Enjoy! Who do you think I should ask him to do next? :)
You can check out Lenn's full gallery here:
Kraw Lash,
Vann Illia
Monday, September 15, 2014
Marshall And The Magic Mirror
Marshall Copeland had heard rumors of a magic mirror hidden in the vast expanse of the frozen Canadian north. Said to have been crafted during the days of the dinosaurs, by a deity, it had been all but lost to the ages, till Marshall got a tip in Prehistoric Paradise. It's true purpose was now in dispute. Master Duckbill, the sly dimetrodon and Mamma Bronta argued the true purpose of the mirror with one another. Master Duckbill, a father figure to Marshall, said it held the secret to evolving yourself. The dimetrodon put down his playing cards long enough to hiss that through it, one could gain immortality. Mamma Brontas eyes shone with the look only a true lady can achieve, as she thinks about her youth, as she stated the mirrors use was simply to view images of the wondrous past.
When Marshalls treasure hunting came to an end, deep in an ice cave, he soon found the tales of it's powers were all more then slightly off, but in essence all correct. Marshall cleaned the glass and gazed into it. The mirror lit up and started to show Marshall images of his life. He watched as he advanced from boyhood to becoming a man. He watched as his body grew, muscles form, his cock got balls getting bigger. He was treated to the sights of his sexual encounters through the years. His loves, his many escapades, as well as his many rounds of self pleasure. He stared for what felt like forever. From the time he began watching, his balls instantly swelled and filled with cum. The mirror was casting it's spell on him and he had very quickly succumb to it. He undid his pants and started fondling his massive boner uncontrollably. He brought himself close to the point of orgasm time and again, but something was stopping him.
By the time he slid back against the cave wall, becoming so weak in the knees he could hardly stand, it seemed like the cave was filling with a foggy haze. From the depths of the mirror a voice called to him. It beckoned him to come forward. In the mirror, the friendly forms of Marshall twisted into a tall slender, evil version of himself. It promised him life eternal within the safety of the mirror. This highly evolved form of Marshall, created through power of all his past sexual exploits, looked to be a stronger, faster and a more cunning creature then Marshall was. All Marshall had to do was release his seed upon the mirrors surface (which he did in earnest.) and make contact with the creature. As he came on the mirror, the negative Marshall extended it's hand out, ready to take it's place in the real world after a millennium of entrapment......
Tonights grand image was drawn by Luciferseraphim. He did two images of Marshall and his mirror self for me. The one above and one for his own gallery. (See the preview below!) He did an extremely beautiful job, providing his own unique and very sexy take on Marshall. As well, he helped give a touch of elegance to both the mirror and the cave setting. He created some beautiful ice and lighting effects. I hope you guys enjoy it, as much as I enjoy presenting it to you. Watch out for Mirror Monsters tonight! :P
Marshall Copeland
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Lil Deep Naked Sailor Serenade
Continuing our summer party series drawn lavishly by FallenAngel, today we have Lil Deep. He has equipped himself with some sailor gear. (The previous owner of which is suffering from a very sore ass, due to a megalodon shark attack last night.) Deep has an alternative motive to joining the celebration tonight. He is out to extra some revenge on the Merman that have been using their siren songs to ravish sailors and passengers upon their ships. Once such passenger was Rex and no one tampers with Deeps favorite bottom and get's away with it. Using the 'borrowed' accordion and his own built in one, Deep hopes to give the mermen a taste of their own medicine. Somehow, I don't think they will mind too much.
Big thanks to FA for creating this tranquil cliff side ocean scene. Ah, to be peeking over that totem at what happens next. He created some really lovely merman. They really do need to come back for another more hardcore image, don't you think?
Lil Deep,
Thursday, September 11, 2014
The Centaur King Fucks Space Cadet Animated
Hey guys, it's my total pleasure to present you all with tonight's image. A picture of Space Cadet being fucked by Strider the glorious centaur, is something I wanted to have done for Patrick for a long time now. While he have done many exciting images of Strider over the years, this is the first one to depict the controversial scene in the first book, (A scene that may, or may not have happened. We are not sure how far they got before they were interrupted.) Obviously the image of this fantasy has been locked in many of our minds for years, but now thanks to the extremely talented Gene Lightfoot, that fantasy has sprung forth in full animated glory!
Gene's work is mind blowingly hot. He warned me this would be one slow sensual ass fucking and dang did he deliver on that promise! Love how they almost kiss with each thrust. How Byron is holding on to Striders neck, while Strider holds Byron by the neck, both in order to keep Cadet from slumping over. The soft caress of Striders leg on Cadets ass with each deep thrust of his massive dick is warm sensual touch that I love so much. :P I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy presenting this to you!
Here as well are the results of the Space Cadet Survey so far. I am planning to leave the survey open till at least the end of the year. I have also included the survey again at the bottom of the results.
Gene's work is mind blowingly hot. He warned me this would be one slow sensual ass fucking and dang did he deliver on that promise! Love how they almost kiss with each thrust. How Byron is holding on to Striders neck, while Strider holds Byron by the neck, both in order to keep Cadet from slumping over. The soft caress of Striders leg on Cadets ass with each deep thrust of his massive dick is warm sensual touch that I love so much. :P I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy presenting this to you!
Here as well are the results of the Space Cadet Survey so far. I am planning to leave the survey open till at least the end of the year. I have also included the survey again at the bottom of the results.
Class Comics,
Gene Lightfoot,
Space Cadet,
Class Comics Dective Anvil, Beautiful Men In A Gritty World
Last night I had the pleasure of reading Detective Anvil from Class Comics. It's the first comic made by an artists named Carjim for the company. I know little about his works outside of this comic. I was happy to learn, very quickly he draws some really freaking gorgeous men with some of the longest dicks around! His cell shaded style is reminiscent of many an action cartoon from the 90s and the turn of the century. His wonderful style really drew me into the comic. The style of his art kind of reminds me of Kinu Sekigushi's.
Anvils story is set in a rough world of pimps and man whores. It's like a little slice of 1970s Ghetto America, where everyone is uncut, completely unlike any of the porn from that era! No complaints here. LOL. Jimcars uncut long tubes are cum inducing to say the least....
The story is told over 24 pages, 20 of which feature sex. 83% of the book is sex scenes. I can't stress that enough. Before you start thinking their can't be much story then, think again! In Anvils case, the story doesn't slow down due to it's sex, it uses it to move the plot briskly forward.
The book has a lot to offer, with men from various racial backgrounds and even a demonic monster of sorts getting into the act. I have to say I enjoyed my short stay with this private 'hung like a horse' dick. It may not be fore everyone though. The men look as sweet as candy, but their world is totally sour. The book gets more violent as it goes on and SPOILER...98% of the cast dies before the story is over.....Spoiler ends. Here are some examples from the book.
Anvil is a great start to what will hopefully be a long career with Class Comics. You can check it out through the link below!
Detective Anvil #1.
Anvils story is set in a rough world of pimps and man whores. It's like a little slice of 1970s Ghetto America, where everyone is uncut, completely unlike any of the porn from that era! No complaints here. LOL. Jimcars uncut long tubes are cum inducing to say the least....
The story is told over 24 pages, 20 of which feature sex. 83% of the book is sex scenes. I can't stress that enough. Before you start thinking their can't be much story then, think again! In Anvils case, the story doesn't slow down due to it's sex, it uses it to move the plot briskly forward.
The book has a lot to offer, with men from various racial backgrounds and even a demonic monster of sorts getting into the act. I have to say I enjoyed my short stay with this private 'hung like a horse' dick. It may not be fore everyone though. The men look as sweet as candy, but their world is totally sour. The book gets more violent as it goes on and SPOILER...98% of the cast dies before the story is over.....Spoiler ends. Here are some examples from the book.
Page one has Anvil doing normal police interrogation work. Dig those low hanging balls on that twinky young informant! Woo hoo!
Here is the stories main bad guys, Judge and Owens. Owens is a pimp master with a dick that rivals even Black Dynamites! :P (I would guess.) I would love to see that cross over. XD
It's not all pimps and police. Big Jim, a horny science experiment, fucks first and kills later. Jims appearance in this book helped solidify the 70s vibe all the more to me, what with all the horror mystery/detective comics published during that decade.
Anvil is a great start to what will hopefully be a long career with Class Comics. You can check it out through the link below!
Detective Anvil #1.
Class Comics
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Space Cadets Family Shower
Byron came home one day after a long photo shoot, tired and sweaty. He had his cock teased all day, but was never allowed to release. His dick throbbed as he thought about getting into the shower for a little private time. The best time to release! His mind kept wondering to the events of the other morning, when his brother Sheldon had interrupted his morning jerk off session. He thought about the touch of his brothers hand on his dick. He wondered if he imagined Sheldon moving his long cut dick up and down his ass cheeks, or if it was just due to the motion of their rough housing. Lost in thought he darted into the bathroom, closing, but not locking the door behind him. Locking doors was a lesson he needed to relearn after living by himself for so long. Byron quickly got undressed. He was surprised by the cold sensation of a long stream of precum hitting his leg. His pants were heavily stained by the precum that had leaked out on his way home. He really was dying to orgasm.
Bryon turned on the water and stared to soap up. His hands never left his dick for very long. He couldn't stop thinking of his brother as he stroked up and down his soapy dick. He imagined his hands were his brothers as he beat below his head. He took his left hand and fingered his asshole, imagining his fingers were his brothers dick penetrating his butt.
"Sheldon." very quietly escaped his lips.
"You called?" Whispered his brothers voice into his ear. Byron turned around, startled out of his mind. There before him stood his younger brother, with nothing but bar of soap and bulging dick that was getting bigger by the second. Sheldon pushed his body onto his brothers. Space Cadet tried to resist it, even though he wanted this so badly. Centaurs were one thing, but was he ready to take the plunge into this forbidden love making session? He raised his hands to try to push back his brothers advance, but Sheldon grabbed his arms and clutched the base of Byrons cock....
Byron gave in. They stood there, the hot water filling the stall with steam. He breathed heavily, as he prepared to let this happen. Sheldon kept his grip on his brothers wrist, while jerking Byrons massive meat with his other hand. The stood so close that his own long, dark, dick, hard as it was, had been wedged straight down between them. Space Cadets balls rested on the head of Sheldons cock. Sheldon loved the warm cozy feeling. The balls heaved up and down with each breath, caressing his pink head. Every so often Sheldon with thrust his dick between Byrons legs and Byron would squeeze his thighs, jerking his brother off as tightly as he could.
The two young me were so engrossed with each other, they didn't notice that their dad Emil, had been watching through the shower door. He had followed Sheldon into the bathroom to stop him from attacking Byron again. When he came upon the scene, he started to get instantly hard. His massive 16 inch dick quivered and ached with passion at the sight of his naked sons playing with each others dicks. Unlike his sons, Emil is uncut. He has a super long foreskin, which he likes to keep covering his head fully as he jerks off. The boys were too busy to notice, even when his dick and balls started to press up against the glass.
It was not long before all three were ready to cum.
"Yes, that's it Sheldon. Keep rubbing below my head. I'm almost there...I'm...I'm gonna cum!"
Byron erupted all over the back of his bros arm and tight ass. The sensation Sheldons dick got from his brothers big warm balls releasing wave after wave of hot white cum was enough to send him over the edge as well. He grunted, closed his eyes and squeezed his ass cheeks together as he blew his load all over his brothers legs and feet.
Their shower over, their fathers instant drying machine came on. The men were dried very quickly, but kept their gaze on each other. Something wasn't right. Byron was starting to feel horny again. He felt something warm on his cock head. There was a moisture there he had never felt before. He looked down to see..
That he was uncut! The warmth, the tightness, the sleekness of the foreskin was all so wondrous to him. He looked down to see Sheldon was uncut now too. What was going on? How was this happening?
Before he could even fight, or question it, Sheldon was eagerly jerking him off again. The water turned back on and Sheldon soaped them back up. Byron embraced it fully. He was having so much fun, he couldn't help but start giggling as their slippery foreskin covered heads started rubbing against each other.
Sheldons words excited both of them a little too much. Once again they sprayed their sperm all over each other and the shower room walls. Outside, their dad let out another ancient load from his king sized cock. Byron felt weak at the knees. He slid down and landed with a splash in the cum filled water. He started to loose consciousness, but his dick still raged with unabashed lust...
What was going on? Was this for real? Was Byron under some sort of enchantment? How long would this continue on?
I hope you guys enjoyed our little story, but more importantly the amazing art by Rubensum! You guys probably saw something like this coming after my Space Cadet #2 review talked about my desire to see some incest between Byron and his brother. His dad was just too tempting not to include in all this. As you can see Rubensum drew till there was no more ink! Rub really wanted to take this idea and explore every avenue with it. I got the pleasure of seeing each detail come to be and all through that creative process we bounced ideas off one another. Sometimes we found that even something said as a joke, actually worked amazingly well in the image. It was a total pleasure to work with Rubensum once again. Even though this was just supposed to be a one shot, Rub stretched the image to make a full scene and excite my imagination even more then I originally thought the project could! Thanks again Rub! You are amazing!
Have you had a chance to take our Space Cadet Survey? Please feel free to do so and enjoy the wondeful art in the post as well, or course!
Survey Fate of a Centaur King
Bryon turned on the water and stared to soap up. His hands never left his dick for very long. He couldn't stop thinking of his brother as he stroked up and down his soapy dick. He imagined his hands were his brothers as he beat below his head. He took his left hand and fingered his asshole, imagining his fingers were his brothers dick penetrating his butt.
"Sheldon." very quietly escaped his lips.
"You called?" Whispered his brothers voice into his ear. Byron turned around, startled out of his mind. There before him stood his younger brother, with nothing but bar of soap and bulging dick that was getting bigger by the second. Sheldon pushed his body onto his brothers. Space Cadet tried to resist it, even though he wanted this so badly. Centaurs were one thing, but was he ready to take the plunge into this forbidden love making session? He raised his hands to try to push back his brothers advance, but Sheldon grabbed his arms and clutched the base of Byrons cock....
Byron gave in. They stood there, the hot water filling the stall with steam. He breathed heavily, as he prepared to let this happen. Sheldon kept his grip on his brothers wrist, while jerking Byrons massive meat with his other hand. The stood so close that his own long, dark, dick, hard as it was, had been wedged straight down between them. Space Cadets balls rested on the head of Sheldons cock. Sheldon loved the warm cozy feeling. The balls heaved up and down with each breath, caressing his pink head. Every so often Sheldon with thrust his dick between Byrons legs and Byron would squeeze his thighs, jerking his brother off as tightly as he could.
The two young me were so engrossed with each other, they didn't notice that their dad Emil, had been watching through the shower door. He had followed Sheldon into the bathroom to stop him from attacking Byron again. When he came upon the scene, he started to get instantly hard. His massive 16 inch dick quivered and ached with passion at the sight of his naked sons playing with each others dicks. Unlike his sons, Emil is uncut. He has a super long foreskin, which he likes to keep covering his head fully as he jerks off. The boys were too busy to notice, even when his dick and balls started to press up against the glass.
It was not long before all three were ready to cum.
"Yes, that's it Sheldon. Keep rubbing below my head. I'm almost there...I'm...I'm gonna cum!"
Byron erupted all over the back of his bros arm and tight ass. The sensation Sheldons dick got from his brothers big warm balls releasing wave after wave of hot white cum was enough to send him over the edge as well. He grunted, closed his eyes and squeezed his ass cheeks together as he blew his load all over his brothers legs and feet.
Their shower over, their fathers instant drying machine came on. The men were dried very quickly, but kept their gaze on each other. Something wasn't right. Byron was starting to feel horny again. He felt something warm on his cock head. There was a moisture there he had never felt before. He looked down to see..
That he was uncut! The warmth, the tightness, the sleekness of the foreskin was all so wondrous to him. He looked down to see Sheldon was uncut now too. What was going on? How was this happening?
Before he could even fight, or question it, Sheldon was eagerly jerking him off again. The water turned back on and Sheldon soaped them back up. Byron embraced it fully. He was having so much fun, he couldn't help but start giggling as their slippery foreskin covered heads started rubbing against each other.
Sheldons words excited both of them a little too much. Once again they sprayed their sperm all over each other and the shower room walls. Outside, their dad let out another ancient load from his king sized cock. Byron felt weak at the knees. He slid down and landed with a splash in the cum filled water. He started to loose consciousness, but his dick still raged with unabashed lust...
What was going on? Was this for real? Was Byron under some sort of enchantment? How long would this continue on?
I hope you guys enjoyed our little story, but more importantly the amazing art by Rubensum! You guys probably saw something like this coming after my Space Cadet #2 review talked about my desire to see some incest between Byron and his brother. His dad was just too tempting not to include in all this. As you can see Rubensum drew till there was no more ink! Rub really wanted to take this idea and explore every avenue with it. I got the pleasure of seeing each detail come to be and all through that creative process we bounced ideas off one another. Sometimes we found that even something said as a joke, actually worked amazingly well in the image. It was a total pleasure to work with Rubensum once again. Even though this was just supposed to be a one shot, Rub stretched the image to make a full scene and excite my imagination even more then I originally thought the project could! Thanks again Rub! You are amazing!
Have you had a chance to take our Space Cadet Survey? Please feel free to do so and enjoy the wondeful art in the post as well, or course!
Survey Fate of a Centaur King
Class Comics,
Space Cadet
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Treasure Hunting With Mako Finn And The Little Spermaid
For Leon De Leon and I's annual gift to Patrick, I did something I wanted to do for a long time now. Years ago a sketch of a character named Aquairus by Patrick Fillion caught my eye. The few images of him can still only be found in the Patrick Fillion Sketch Book. Ever since seeing them, I wanted to do art projects featuring this not so little merman. As years went by my desire to do this became greater and greater. I was going over and drawing different ideas to send to Leon, when right after the final one, Leon asked me what I would like to do for Patrick most of all. A light went off in my head. I remembered Aquarius and that is how we came about creating todays image.
I talked to Urbanmusiq about four, or five of different scenarios to put him in. We finally went with the idea that placed the most focus on him. Leon was the first person to ever give him colour. I think he choose very well. He gave him olive tones, which I felt looked perfect on him, because I can't help but think he was originally designed as an Asian merman. (That being totally up to my interpretation of him of course.) The darker tones, especially on the cock, really give him an air of masculinity. The green shine in his silken hair was a sweet touch from Leon. I think he did the character a lot of justice. Given the pose, it's as if Mako found him in his sketch form and brought him finally to long overdue life! Mako Finn is of course looks fucking amazing as well! ;D Leon wasn't happy with the first cock he drew (see sketch below) so elongated it! LOL! Makos pecks look ready to have that dark solid column of Aquarius's placed right between them. Between the two men and the dreamy sea scape, this has to be one of Leons most decadent pieces.
Patrick Fillion e-mailed us soon after getting the picture. He was ecstatic over it and said that it totally inspired him. He said the wheels are turning big time in his head and he has full plans now to include Aquarius in some future works! This is by far the greatest thing that could have happened as well as the nicest complement we could have receievd for our efforts! :D
Here is our variation, with Mako Finn grabbing the mermans throbbing boner firmly, ready to stroke him off completely.
As mentioned Aquarius can only be found in Patrick Fillions Sketch Book PDF. It's a great 52 page book. It has a lot of images that have only been featured in it and nowhere else. As well, it shows the creative process of some of the more famous pieces and comic pages from Class, as well as images meant to be con giveaways. I'm not sure if those were ever used at Bent Con, or not, but a bit of trivia I do know, is that Aneros coloured some of them way back when. It's well worth checking out!
Since we are all mermaid themed today, I might as well talk about a movie I watched a couple weeks ago. I use the therm watched loosely, cause despite the concept, only 2 of the 5 scenes were actually worth watching. (At least for me.) The movie was THE LITTLE SPERMAID. Sper-Maid? Even for a parody title, that is just not a very good pun, let's face it. It makes her sound like some cowboy cleaning lady, or something. Gay porn fans will be happy to see that Eric Driller (no relation to Mr. Driller) stars as Prince Eric. (for copyright purposes called Eric Prince here.) Another plus for gay fans is how much attention is spent on cocks in this one. The entire first scene has Ariel giving Eric one long blow job. There's no fucking, or pussy in sight.
I talked to Urbanmusiq about four, or five of different scenarios to put him in. We finally went with the idea that placed the most focus on him. Leon was the first person to ever give him colour. I think he choose very well. He gave him olive tones, which I felt looked perfect on him, because I can't help but think he was originally designed as an Asian merman. (That being totally up to my interpretation of him of course.) The darker tones, especially on the cock, really give him an air of masculinity. The green shine in his silken hair was a sweet touch from Leon. I think he did the character a lot of justice. Given the pose, it's as if Mako found him in his sketch form and brought him finally to long overdue life! Mako Finn is of course looks fucking amazing as well! ;D Leon wasn't happy with the first cock he drew (see sketch below) so elongated it! LOL! Makos pecks look ready to have that dark solid column of Aquarius's placed right between them. Between the two men and the dreamy sea scape, this has to be one of Leons most decadent pieces.
Patrick Fillion e-mailed us soon after getting the picture. He was ecstatic over it and said that it totally inspired him. He said the wheels are turning big time in his head and he has full plans now to include Aquarius in some future works! This is by far the greatest thing that could have happened as well as the nicest complement we could have receievd for our efforts! :D
Here is Leon De Leons first sketch. There are not many differences between this and the final.
As mentioned Aquarius can only be found in Patrick Fillions Sketch Book PDF. It's a great 52 page book. It has a lot of images that have only been featured in it and nowhere else. As well, it shows the creative process of some of the more famous pieces and comic pages from Class, as well as images meant to be con giveaways. I'm not sure if those were ever used at Bent Con, or not, but a bit of trivia I do know, is that Aneros coloured some of them way back when. It's well worth checking out!
Since we are all mermaid themed today, I might as well talk about a movie I watched a couple weeks ago. I use the therm watched loosely, cause despite the concept, only 2 of the 5 scenes were actually worth watching. (At least for me.) The movie was THE LITTLE SPERMAID. Sper-Maid? Even for a parody title, that is just not a very good pun, let's face it. It makes her sound like some cowboy cleaning lady, or something. Gay porn fans will be happy to see that Eric Driller (no relation to Mr. Driller) stars as Prince Eric. (for copyright purposes called Eric Prince here.) Another plus for gay fans is how much attention is spent on cocks in this one. The entire first scene has Ariel giving Eric one long blow job. There's no fucking, or pussy in sight.
Prince Eric sporting sun glasses and blue jeans. I can get with that.
If I found THIS on the beach, I would be doing the exact same thing as Ariel, that's for sure!
"You have a tail, so that means no pussy?" Eric the master of the obvious.
![]() |
"We've only just met and you aren't actually human, but fuck it, let me feel your tits up." |
![]() |
Whoa! For someone that's never seen a human before, she knows exactly what to do with that funny noodle in his pants, doesn't she? |
The 'Little' in the title must have been referring to her tits....Maybe his cock too..
"Ho hum."
Already bored with it Ariel?
"Easy, not so rough Ariel!"
"I heard these things were supposed to come with skin that goes over the head. Is yours broken?"
Instead of releasing her eggs, Ariels takes Erics load all in her mouth. Probably better that way for the audience.
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Ariel is looking for seconds. |
In the final scene of the movie, Eric is told by King Triton to go to his daughter and be with her. She magically appears in his pool and he carries her off to his bedroom.
One second she is a mermaid...
The next she is a human! No explanation is given for this. There's no transformation, no spell, nothing. LAZY! What did they do, spend their entire budget on that one old school, has been porn star that plays Triton?
Like before, when Ariel had no dialogue highlighting her inexperience with and innocents in dealing with human men and penises, there is nothing here to take advantage of Ariel loosing her virginity. Nor is the fact that she is experiencing the pleasure of a human vagina for the first time addressed either. A real waste of a golden opportunity to do so. I really should stop expecting anything decent from a lousy porn parody video, shouldn't I?
The camera man does a fairly good job of trying to hide all the Japanese/Chinese symbols tattooed on Ariels back. At least, for a little while. Eric doesn't notice that an entire fishing boat had their way and permanently marked the love of his life as their property. Wait till he finds out..
"Oh Shit! What's that on your Back?"
Ariel has that 'we are going to have to have a sad little chat face woman get.
When fully hard, Eric Drillers dick is pretty big and beautiful isn't it? Too bad he didn't do a gay role as Prince Eric. It might have been a better movie.
Overall if all you are looking for is a couple scenes of mermaid sex, you really can't go wrong with this one. Both actors are hot and commit to their parts. It's fairly romantic and there is a decent amount of screen time given to Eric and his hot cut cock. If you are looking for something based on the movie, then you better look elsewhere.
Mako Finn,
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