Saturday, April 26, 2014
Oni Evolution Stage 1: Choose Your Colour
Tonight as the midnight hour fast approaches, I bring to you guys a brand new cast member! This young man is named Gojioni. He is still under heavy development. I started to work with him along side Adonix and Aneros in March. I placed his original sketches on my Facebook page and got some very nice feedback. Since we started work on him, many things have changed, especially his back story. I wanted to make a unique looking Oni, as there so many out there. I hope that you will find him to be just that, especially as I reveal the stages of his evolution over the coming weeks. For now, I am proud to present the first full color professionally drawn pics of him by my old friend Adonix. He supplied me with 3 wonderful colour schemes. I have a very hard time deciding on one. Which one is your favorite? :)
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Deimos 10th Anniversary Special Review
A couple weeks ago I looked over the newest covers from Class Comics. Of them, I mentioned the Diemos title was my favorite, so I decided to do a little review of it tonight. Deimos 10th Anniversary Special contains 4 stories featuring everyones favorite grape colored demon. ;) It's available in both print and digital editions. It's hard to believe it's been 10 long years since he first appeared in book 0 of the series. The digital version includes a bonus section full of advertisements, old sketches and pin ups from Deimos first appearances. There was a lot of new 'old' stuff to see here. There are ancient sketches dating back to 2000, with notes on them! They include design choices that changed and even characters that were dropped. You'll find out something slightly shocking about Deimos's creation as well! Deimos kinda, sorta..was almost a girl! Though, that is a bit of an exaggeration, you'll just have to get the book to read the article for yourself to see what I mean!
You'll learn the secret as to why the series was handed to other artists, (something I learned not long ago) among many other interesting facts. It's actually due to this wealth of information and nostalgia found in this 24 page section that I have to recommend the digital over the printed edition. Oh man, just seeing some of the older images warmed my heart and made me smile. They reminded me of when I was in my young 20s and I would sneak my Class Comics into my room, lock the door and enjoy! LOL! Sigh..feels so very long ago now. -_- What a wonderful thrill it was though! You never forget those good times.
Now on to the new material! First off I want to talk about Leon De Leons story. He could hardly keep himself contained about it in his e-mails to me last summer. He was so happy and thrilled to be working on it. When he finally completed it, he sent me a very special gift. One day in the mail, I found an envelope with his actual pencil work for the entire comic. I've been given a lot of amazing art from artists over the years in the mail. This one in particular stands out, because I know how near and dear Deimos is to Leon. It was his first love at Class. I know how hard it must have been to part with those pages. I now how much he wanted to cheer me up with his gift. He's such a sweet friend. Needless to say it made for one unforgettable experience, as I leafed through the pages, drooling over the men and wondering what exactly was going on!
I waited on baited breath for it's actual release to find out. (Cause Leon wasn't talking! LOL) I was reading his story within seconds of receiving the book! The story, entitled "Life Is But A Dream" is a Twilight Zone like what if tale, that shows Deimos having a normal life as a porn star. (Okay, more like DREAM life as a porn star.) Of course Deimos is in for a rude awakening that will leave him wondering if he's actually won this time. It left me wondering what exactly happens to demons when they die on the Earthly plane? It's a tale filled with hot gang banging and gut-wrenching sorrow. Leons art is beautiful, especially his take on 'sexy nerd' Deimos as seen below. Probably my favorite panel. Leon graces the pages with a variety of men from various ethnicities.
The first story in the book, drawn by Jacob Mott is another 'What If' Tale. This one is much more light hearted however and is basically one long sex scene. NO COMPLAINTS HERE! LOL! It explores Cardinals desire for Deimos.(Hey join the club!) I love that Deimos's love of Asian goodies is being displayed here yet again! I never cared much for bubble Tea myself, but I always get one, thinking it's going to be better then it is. Now, if I could enjoy it the way these two do, I would never complain! The story is filled with excellent poses and nice big close ups of the heroes dicks. Lots of sweets to enjoy here!
The final new story was written and draw by Deimos other 'father' Logan. Logan has been drawing the series from the official first issue. In it, Deimos meets the Heavenly equivalent of himself. Gabe is an Angel that has Fallen. He's sick of Gods agenda and has taken to punishing priests. (I wonder if their sins are of the 'don't touch da boys' variety?) Gabe, as he calls himself decides to challenge Deimos to a battle, where both wind up winning in the end. He's a very interesting character and a great addition to the cast. While I can see them teaming up momentarily, ultimately I feel Gabe will probably betray Deimos. Especially if his wish is to get in good with the forces of Hell. Though, nothing in the story actually hints that that is his ultimate goal. I am just speculating. We will have to wait to see if more of Logans angel OC is explored in the future to find out for sure!
You'll learn the secret as to why the series was handed to other artists, (something I learned not long ago) among many other interesting facts. It's actually due to this wealth of information and nostalgia found in this 24 page section that I have to recommend the digital over the printed edition. Oh man, just seeing some of the older images warmed my heart and made me smile. They reminded me of when I was in my young 20s and I would sneak my Class Comics into my room, lock the door and enjoy! LOL! Sigh..feels so very long ago now. -_- What a wonderful thrill it was though! You never forget those good times.
Now on to the new material! First off I want to talk about Leon De Leons story. He could hardly keep himself contained about it in his e-mails to me last summer. He was so happy and thrilled to be working on it. When he finally completed it, he sent me a very special gift. One day in the mail, I found an envelope with his actual pencil work for the entire comic. I've been given a lot of amazing art from artists over the years in the mail. This one in particular stands out, because I know how near and dear Deimos is to Leon. It was his first love at Class. I know how hard it must have been to part with those pages. I now how much he wanted to cheer me up with his gift. He's such a sweet friend. Needless to say it made for one unforgettable experience, as I leafed through the pages, drooling over the men and wondering what exactly was going on!
I waited on baited breath for it's actual release to find out. (Cause Leon wasn't talking! LOL) I was reading his story within seconds of receiving the book! The story, entitled "Life Is But A Dream" is a Twilight Zone like what if tale, that shows Deimos having a normal life as a porn star. (Okay, more like DREAM life as a porn star.) Of course Deimos is in for a rude awakening that will leave him wondering if he's actually won this time. It left me wondering what exactly happens to demons when they die on the Earthly plane? It's a tale filled with hot gang banging and gut-wrenching sorrow. Leons art is beautiful, especially his take on 'sexy nerd' Deimos as seen below. Probably my favorite panel. Leon graces the pages with a variety of men from various ethnicities.
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Watch out Deimos, those are not real Angels. (The wings are a dead giveaway!) |
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Jeez Cardinal are you walking into a store barefoot? You Angels sure are hippies! |
The book in rounded out by Patrick Fillions Dead Of Winter. This was released last year as stand alone special. It was the first time Patrick had drawn his character in a full story in 9 years time. Due to that it came with great anticipation from fans. I really loved this one. If you haven't picked up the stand alone digital, or want to really experience it on real paper, now is your chance! As you might have seen I commissioned some fan art based on it not long ago. The tale of the cock stealing demon Puggazo, the handsome Canadian woodsman and the wounded, frightened Deimos all made for exciting, sexy story telling. So much so that I even wrote a sequel to it! LOL! A bit of fan fiction I hope to have someone do very soon! (I've been saying that since last fall! LOL.) There's a couple super hot sex scenes in this one, along with some adorable images of Deimos in his long johns! Hee hee. (he gives new meaning to the term.) Those are well worth it alone!
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A big burly man against a beautiful Canadian winter backdrop...dang. What could be more beautiful? :D |
We get to learn a little bit more about Deimos powers in this tale!
The book also features a lot of the fan art of Deimos that has been given to, or featured in Class Comics over the years!
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Check the book out over at Class Comics! |
Class Comics,
Jacob Mott,
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The Easter Vanny Is On HIs Way!
Happy Easter 2014 everyone! Vann Illia is happily hippity hopping through the enchanted land of the Easter Bunny! The Elf Barbarian is snatching up chocolate and candy eggs to give to his crew! But if he makes the wrong move, he could face the wrath of whatever hatches out of those giant eggs! I hope that you guys have a wonderful day full of sugar highs and sexy guys! :P
Speaking of Harry, he's a very creepy, yet also strangely alluring rabbit human that resembles him a bit! Someone showed me this on Youtube....I warn you, it may creep you out a little.
Here's some pictures from my own personal Easter!
Have you guys seen any other gay Easter Art around this year? I haven't seen much yet, save for Genelightfoots sweet new animated. Check it out by Clicking here! A lot of blogs I used to follow, seem to be abandoned.
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Nothing new Class Comics featuring Harry, but a heads up, something new featuring him will soon be on this site! ^O^ Easter is the perfect time to get acquainted with Harry in the Exceptional Ani-Males #1! |
Here's some pictures from my own personal Easter!
Made some Thumper themed Easter Eggs. I have a Star Wars kit that I will probably do tonight, or tomorrow.
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Do you eat the red ones last? :D |
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Here was a huge Surprise I found at Wal-Mart. You don't see the Smurfs too often these days. It's nice that they went with the traditional, instead of the movie versions. |
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It's even got some beautiful art on the back! Can you find the differences? |
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This is what I got for Easter. Captain America Pen light. It's a little hard to keep the flash on, but it looks really great, so it's worth the effort! |
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I always like to share a cut out for the holiday. Here are some old Snow White ones from (I think) New Zealand. They would go nice with your eggs. :) |
Class Comics,
Space Cadet,
Vann Illia
Friday, April 18, 2014
Camil-Cat Sings the Blues
Poor Cam! His life is fraught with peril. His latest adventures have him trying to not only put his life back together, but his physical appearance as well! He seems to always be ready to play the blues, but now so more then ever. So I guess it was no surprise that I start to think of him as a real Blues Cat. (Hit link for appropriate music.) He's down on his luck, but he's got a mission and like a true Bara Blues Bro, nothings gonna stop him!
This yummy animated image was of course drawn by Genelightfoot. I actually had this idea long ago, but it took some farming to get it off the ground. Gene was able to take the idea to beyond where I originally wanted to go with it, by animating it. The action of Spots cock was changed so that he beats the drums much like a dog wagging it's tail. (But in the front and hotter and thicker and uncut...XD) He lovely added some great effects and the background I suggested. He does a colossal Cam and a succulent Spot. (Sun glasses make everything that much hotter I think!)
This yummy animated image was of course drawn by Genelightfoot. I actually had this idea long ago, but it took some farming to get it off the ground. Gene was able to take the idea to beyond where I originally wanted to go with it, by animating it. The action of Spots cock was changed so that he beats the drums much like a dog wagging it's tail. (But in the front and hotter and thicker and uncut...XD) He lovely added some great effects and the background I suggested. He does a colossal Cam and a succulent Spot. (Sun glasses make everything that much hotter I think!)
Love lost was very inspirational to me at the time of reading it. I have cum back to it several times since. I liked the two digital versions, but it was when got the print version that I was really taken back. There's just something about the experience of opening a comic book, that a PC can't compete with. Fully talking Patrick Fillions art and story on the print page blew me away. (As well as a few loads.) I had originally planned a full review. I even went to the length of attempting a video review. I tried it a couple times, but I couldn't keep my hands out of my pants! :P Joking, but seriously, the art is very distracting...hee hee. I still plan to do a review and talk about the book at length. Cam is a very endearing character and he's going through the most interesting adventure of his career right now. Changes and Love Lost may be his two finest books yet.
If you haven't yet, check out Camili-Cat Love Lost from Class Comics. You can still purchase the print version. It's way worth it.
Class Comics,
Gene Lightfoot,
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Captive! Rex: Prisoner of Lil Deep Comic!
Hey guys! Tonight I have something that has waited a very long time to be posted. It's a comic that I wrote up last year and sent to Rubensum. Rubensum took the short script I wrote, (which was only intended to be a page) and stretched the idea into a two pager. He gave the characters a lot more interaction and had a lot of fun with the concept. I was over joyed, because what he presented me with was far greater then my original expectations. ^__^ It inspired me to delve into the story and even Deeps personality and powers a bit more then usual. I finally gave Deep an accent fitting of his heritage! Besides the lettering (Big hand to Caravaggia for helping me do that and thereby kick starting this thing back into action.) the project was completed 11 months ago. This isn't the only project I have in holding thanks to the events of last year. So finally, it's time for me to very proudly release this Sharkboy for you all to enjoy. Rubensums art is truly funtastic. I may have to write a sequel to this. (I promise it won't take a year to come out!!!)
DinosaurPrince's Kingdom
Proudly Presents:
Rex: Prisoner of Lil Deep!
Story by Dinosaurprince
Art by Rubensum
Lettering By Caravaggia
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Rubensum surprised me with this sexy, sexy pin up of Rex the other day!!! Who wants to remove the bow? XD |
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Yankee To Yer Left Captain
Fallen and I gots a big heart felt happy birthday for our dear friend Sirio today! Who better to bring her cake, then her favorite Avenger, Captain America?! He's got a little trouble balancing the birthday cake, thanks to Yankee Doodle Pigeon. The little bird is just excited to be bringing Sirio her birthday cards. What happened to that cake you ask? Did the Captain catch it in time? Well, Sirio came up with the answer! ^O^ Hee hee. You know an image is good when it inspires more mischievous art! :D
On Friday I got to meet Captain America. He didn't give me cake, but he did give me some frozen yogurt. :P I felt bad for the guy in the costume. He was standing outside of the CN Tower, in the pouring raining. He was a trooper though. Smiling and calling to the kids to join him in some cool treats. (Just like the real Cap would.) I went to the movie last night. The theater was PACKED. I really liked it, but I have to say I enjoyed the first film more. I'm a sucker for WW2 adventure/sci-fi films.
Who is Yankee Doodle Pigieon you ask? Well just check this out for your answer:
You go first sirio! He's all yours! Many happy returns of the day my friend. :)
On Friday I got to meet Captain America. He didn't give me cake, but he did give me some frozen yogurt. :P I felt bad for the guy in the costume. He was standing outside of the CN Tower, in the pouring raining. He was a trooper though. Smiling and calling to the kids to join him in some cool treats. (Just like the real Cap would.) I went to the movie last night. The theater was PACKED. I really liked it, but I have to say I enjoyed the first film more. I'm a sucker for WW2 adventure/sci-fi films.
Who is Yankee Doodle Pigieon you ask? Well just check this out for your answer:
Captain America,
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Simon Belmont Lets It Swing
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Simons hunkiness shines bright even in the supernatural fog of Transylvania! |
How long has it been since we featured Simon Belmont on this site? I was feeling very old school the other day. So I asked FallenAngel to please do whip up a little Vampire Hunter hotness for me to share! He is doing a $10 promotion right now for one character. You guys should check it out! I picked the oldest images of Simon for reference. (My favorite incarnation of the character.) I even sent him the super cute Wai Wai World version! (see below.) Fallens Simon has a thick low hanger that would make the castles clock tower pendulum feel jealous. :P
I've been in a video game collecting mood all March. I recently picked up these super fine magnets off of E-Bay. They are not official, just so you know.
Simon Belmont
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Cum Into My Parlor Birthday Angel
Tonight Vann Illa and Oni are waiting for FallenAngel come on over and celebrate his birthday! Vanns up for any challenge especially one that involves sex and food. He's looking forward to digging into that cool ice cream, covered in hot Oni sauce...Oni is loving the cold ice cream on his big red balls and squishing in between his tight bum cheeks. :P So much better then the heat of the underworld! Won't you join Fallen in a little dessert?
This image was lovingly drawn by Leon De Leon/Urbanmusiq in a very short time! This is his first time taking on Oni and Vann Illia. What do you guys think? At first Acamas was going to be in the image, but we couldn't resist having Vann in an image like this. I know how much Fallen loves his ice cream and Leon was sure to include all his favorites, especially a big old BANANA! XD As a friend of mine said earlier today, I wanted a concept that is "playful, joyful and fun and sweet" to match how Fallen is as a person. I was dieting, eating boring salad and drinking tea with no sugar when Leon sent me the flats. I think I went on waaaaaaaaaaay too much about that ice cream. It's looked so good...I almost broke my diet! Maybe Fallen and I will revisit this ice cream fantasy in the future. For now, we have lots of meat and cream for our eyes to feast on.
Happy Birthday Fallen Angel.
Lots of love from your buddies
Matt and Leon!
This image was lovingly drawn by Leon De Leon/Urbanmusiq in a very short time! This is his first time taking on Oni and Vann Illia. What do you guys think? At first Acamas was going to be in the image, but we couldn't resist having Vann in an image like this. I know how much Fallen loves his ice cream and Leon was sure to include all his favorites, especially a big old BANANA! XD As a friend of mine said earlier today, I wanted a concept that is "playful, joyful and fun and sweet" to match how Fallen is as a person. I was dieting, eating boring salad and drinking tea with no sugar when Leon sent me the flats. I think I went on waaaaaaaaaaay too much about that ice cream. It's looked so good...I almost broke my diet! Maybe Fallen and I will revisit this ice cream fantasy in the future. For now, we have lots of meat and cream for our eyes to feast on.
Happy Birthday Fallen Angel.
Lots of love from your buddies
Matt and Leon!
Vann Illia
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
It's Bananas Son!
I've decided to change this blogs focus from hot sexy men, to hot sexy Bananas!!! They are my true passion. Dicks can't compare!
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