Can you believe he did this all in one day? Yep, I watched as every so often he sent me update after update. It was really cool and frustrating to witness, cause I was at work I could not sneak a peek at the good stuff! HA HA HA!
The background text is super old school. Reminds me of a lot of things including old NES game text. Really love the colours chosen for Joey, his skin colour and cock head colour go so well together. He has great legs and a wicked pose. This new style for his ears is really great too. They have a very thin soft tone to them and pointed up like that, they are very dramatic. Both boys have been shaded perfectly, with beautiful chests and strong abs. Shin is a delight too. I was really happy to see JC take him on and give him so much love. He's got great facial features and yeah, I just had to request a ripped speedo! (Crimsonblood so does love speedos! Me too! XD)
Thanks JC I hope you get many more commissions!
Keeping with the Joey theme, you guys are going faint when you see this sexy bomb of a boy toy done by the artists C & R. After the Lil'Deep and Romer Masterpiece, I could resist asking for one more commission from these hard working and totally charming guys. I very proudly present their newest pin up:

I would travel the Outback just to be with him, wouldn't you?
This version of Joey had me shaking with excited joy! He's so freaking gorgeous! Check out how utterly powerful and well built his upper torso is. They really enjoyed working on him. They gave him great new feet! They looked at real Kangaroos to come up with those sexy legs and big toes. It's great when people add to a creation like this. It does my heart good to know they are having fun. It was also nice going over his foreskin details (I got a chance to show my love and expertise on the subject! LOL) Gotta love that big cock head poking out of that thick skin. Put your tongues back in your mouths! XD The outfit, his shorts and the hat are all just wonderful! WTJohns ideas have become a staple of his outfit. It's funny, I was hoping they would do an outback themed background like this! Talk about reading my mind. XD What a stunning figure he makes against the beating sun and hard cracked desert ground. Truly a masterpiece of erotic art. :)
Speaking of great artists, I have three more images to share today. I was thinking of doing them as a separate blog post dedicated to Lunis, but they didn't make it on my last blog due to my illness, so the heck with it. I like putting everyones great work on display together. More fun!
I got this nice gift in my inbox last week. Ink-B took on Lunis again. This time giving his a sexy bulging speedo cupped by two swords... ^_^ This is one yummy sketch!!

Don't you just love wild and messy hair? Ink has giving him a untamed, unkempt, nature boy look to Lunis. His hair tells a thousand stories. I like how he added all the lose strings hanging from him, giving him the appearance of a character from an old story book. I also like the cat nose he decided to bestow upon him. Very nice touch! He's a stunning figure in true Ink-B style, hot, sexy and desirable! ^_^ Thanks Ink!
Lunis has been getting a lot of love. I asked Sirio to take him on too! I picked a very dramatic pose and Sirio gave me a hot dramatic picture!
Sirio gave him wicked ass feet and a huge kick ass sword. (It's supposed to be the horn from a giant Rhino.) Gotta enjoy that puffy chest! This is a perfect image of him and the it was made even better by the colours done by Caravaggia. You'll get swept away by that out of control Savannah storm! I was shocked she outdid her previous background from Bionic Commando. The whole image has so much unreleased power and furry. Lunis looks like he could pounce of the page, everything has come together so perfectly. These two complement each other so much. I really love how Sirios arts is so cute and animated. I never would have thought this guy could look so cool!
To help solidify that Lunis is a moon creature I asked FallenAngel to take on a very special image on him. I wanted to see him surfing on a crescent moon. This one took a couple forms as I didn't explain myself well enough. Something I have fallen into the habit of these last two weeks with my terrible health and over excitement. All that really had to be done was to flip the moon to the position you see it in. Fallen got Lunis down pat right away. He's wicked as expected by FallenAngels hands.

FallenAngels depiction of Lunis sailing the twilight sky, patrolling for potential lovers...the colours give it such an late spring early summer feel.:
In this image I wanted to make it clear he is uncut as well. All the other images have his foreskin folded around the base of his head so people were asking me if he was circumcised. Fallen provided a nice thick foreskin for the fans! ^_^
I really love his chest and legs! His hair is so smooth looking. The little stars and the moonboard take me back to a time of innocents I spent exploring Super Mario World in the winter of 1992. The image has a very familiar and welcoming feel to it. This is one for my wall. :)
Thanks everyone! This blog has been a delight and breeze to do, fueled by such wonderful images by such great people.
Hot pup this Lunis! All three of them!
ReplyDeleteHowcome I land in awesome blog??
ReplyDeleteIt's just a wow! from me.
I read a comment from someone here: dinosaurprinceskingdom.blogspot.com/2010/03/dream-commission-from-legendary.html
and you seems to agree that's a good idea.This remembering me of my 2 passion images, check them out:
Could you consider to post hornier images than those? I'm exiciting on cock-fight images too.
Two characters goin' cock-fight is yummier than one single pose, isn't it??
Afterall, two thumbs up! Keep up the good work Prince! :)
woho nice to see Lunis up and surfing :) - Fallen
ReplyDeleteOooooh, First pic = crossover. XD It's like those Jetsons and Flintstones crossovers, but you and Crim, and more erotic nudity than the old Hanna cartoons. lol
ReplyDeleteYou even kinda lent a character life from another culture, since Kangaroo = Aussie. Maybe you'll make a Russian or Indian themed character someday. XD Very diverse crowd, ya know. :3
Thank you Greg! That was was me agreeing with you. Man, I have not seen that art in a long time. I really like that artist a lot. I promise there will always be lots of cock fighting, also called Frot on this blog. You can count on it! But for now look around this site, there is a ton of it here already! XD
ReplyDeleteThanks Bu! I am getting a lot of requests for more pairings of Joey with Shin! I have two characters that are East Indian, I just need a North American Indian as well. I just need the right inspiration. ^_^