Today I am gonna drop a load of art on this blog, the amount of which I don't think I ever have before. In order to get this blog done, I am afraid I do not have time to praise each image in detail like I usually do. Each and every artist have been told in private how very much I appreciated all their work. Hopefully in time I will be able to give these the praise they truly deserve. I think you all from the bottom of my heart and to Adonix I wish you the very best year ever. May these images help guide and inspire you to take your art to new heights.

The original Athan by Adonix.

Athan, engulfed in the protective swirl of his wolf Familiar by Artisg. Such a calming image!

Athan controling his powers by Guytoonist23. He looks like he belongs on a trendy T-Shirt. Simply gorgeous!

A savage beauty, Athan swings in for a party with his creator, by the wonderful Jcartblog.

Athan enjoys a quiet day fishing with his best friend at his side, by the great FallenAngel.
A hauntingly beautiful Athan sombers across the beach with his wolf by his side done by the kind Buddhathegod.

Uly's gift is a vision of beauty, a fully rendered 3D Athan!!!!

Caravaggia's created the cutest Athan and he has discovered birthday treasures!
Urbanmusiqs Athan is vision of primordial power, Athan as young man, more savage, possibly with uncontrolled powers...
Yelmos Athan is simply the incarnation of the lost summer days of youth.

Demona created the most adorable Chibi Athan! He is sneaking some cake... XD So cute!

Care to take a bite? MT Copyright Presented Adonix with the naughtiest, wildest Athan ever! What a wicked appearence he has! HA HA HA! So Naughty!

Demona also Drew Athan Juggling Torches late into the night for his creators big day. I love the lanky look she gave him and that long neck is hot sexy. It adds to the mystique of his species.
Crimsonblood created a shiny and sexy Athan! XD He looks like a 1920's Arabian lover entering his harem! XD Hee hee. Nice Belly button! You can open a Soda Pop bottle in that strong hole! Check out the hint of a palm tree in the background.
Space Reserved for 1 more image! Stay tuned! ^_^
Final Fantasy Birthday Dreams:

A Final Fantasy fan herself my old friend Tonberryknight had a lot of fun pairing these two at Adonix dream party! Looks like they are gonna ice the cake! XD (Love the Chocobo.)

JCartblog gave Adonix a strong looking Basch getting a hand job from Squall at a save point. Game on! ^_^ Very hot...I love his hair so much!
Kind and Gentle Dongsaeng provided a very bara birthday gift! Squall feeds Basch a sundae in the night air of early spring. How cute is this?

Instead of fighting in the world of Dissidia Caravaggia has these sexy guys joining forces...Squalls hair is so sexy. ^_^
I invite all artists to place their birthday wishes in the comments section.
A whole lot to take in. o3o
ReplyDeleteWell I do see mostly very familar faces here, ushering in a nice little (or huge?) birthday bash. I love MT's a whole lot, but that's a biased choice. XD
Urban's, Guytoonist's, and Dongsaeng's, and really all of them are really top of the line and I'm preeeetttty darn sure this will blow Ink's mind. But happy birthdays to him, and I'm sure there will be many more. And god knows what'll come next year. XD Congrats and much good work to every single one here.
Happy birthday to Ink B!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow all this presents o_o soo many awesome artists together!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYayyy ! Joyeux Anniv' Freddy !
ReplyDeleteIt was really great to do these pics, and when I see how many of them Matthew commissioned for ya, woaw... that's a sweet friend ! <3
A standing ovation to Matty for putting this all together for Ink! :)
ReplyDelete*clap Clap* and ofcoures to all the other great artists!!
Awesome work guys and galz!! HAPPY BDAY INKB
Happy belated Bday Ink-B :) - Fallen
ReplyDelete*¬* hot i love those characters!
ReplyDeletesquaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal *¬* and batch
so sexy pair
btw happy birthday!!! :P
OOH!! What a huge batch of nice art again!!
ReplyDeleteI just LOVE Ink's stuff!! Gorgeous!!<3<3