Continuing the Series of John Carter of Mars meets Disney's Tarzan, we have FallenAngel taking on the two immortal heroes. This time the men are engaged in a little light frot and some heavy foreskin tugging. Tarzan needs to wrap his arm around John Carter just to stand up, the pleasure is so intense. I wonder how Tarzan gets to Mars? XD

Fallen did an excellent job on both guys. Really love the coloring, really gives their muscles some great girth. I wonder what will happen next? You know our little series of Tarzan interacting with John Carter are not the first of it's kind. In fact in the official strips they appeared in even less clothing together! XD

Ha ha ha, but of course we have them doing a lot more then showing off their naked bums and talking. :P
Speaking of wanting to show more then bums, after all the talk of how Disney was handling John Carter, all the images we do together and all the art I have been shoveling on Facebook, FallenAngel got inspired and drew his very own spectacular take on John Carter and Dejah Thoris! I love this image with all my heart and had to request to post it up. Anime John Carter with his wild spiky hair, cute little eyes and long sexy...LEGS is just too much. And that's not even getting into the beautiful Dejah and of course his third leg. Ah, it's so nice to see an original take on John, fully exposed just as in the books! :D Edgar would be proud Fallen! hee hee!
I hope this will not be the last we see of these two lovers of Barsoom in your style.

John does at least get a lot of shirtless scenes in the movie. Too bad Woola does pull off that bothersome oversized loincloth.
Back you vagina faced beast!
Jonh Carter and Woola from the books. A little more compassion between the two is shown here then in the movie. 
FallenAngel sent me this newspaper clipping from a local theater. Seems they are giving away image changing mugs, notebooks and more to lucky contest winners. I haven't seen these mugs anywhere before. Something for Collectors to keep an eye out for.
:D thanks hope I can post for of them soon :D