Tonight the second part of Adonix's birthday images. The first image is cause for more then one form of celebration, as it marks the return of TonberryKnight! It's been over a year since last this artist has put pen to paper. What better way to return then this, her second Final Fantasy birthday image for Adonix? Tonberryknight took on two of the hottest Square super stars, Snow and Wakka! Adonix won't care how many calories are in that cake, he says he would eat it all just to get the slightest taste of Tonberry's Snows perfect body. ^O^

Both men look superb in her style. I love those sexy round shoulders on Snow. The crisscrossing hairs on his chin are very cute. And the long blond hair escaping from his hat look great as they fall the sides of his sexy face. (How does he not have icing all over him? Well, that's cause beautiful people never have these problems, don't you know. :P) He has a great frame with some nice strong legs as well. Yum. Wakka looks awesome too! With his infectious smile and perfect tan, the butterscotch boy is a perfect complementary dish to Snows vanilla complexion.
The image could not have turned out better, nor could the whole experience. Tonberryknight explained her pleasure at having something so fun to draw. I really hope that this will ignite her artistic fire and that this will just be the first of many more images to come in the near future.
Now that we had cake, it's time for dessert! :P FallenAngel has us covered with some hot and heavy humping action. Looks like Squal has now hooked up with Snow and the two are cumming all over each other and Adonix's bed. What a swinging party this is. XD Snow has convinced Sqaull to leave his jacket on. ;)

This was the first image that I request for Adonix and was the first completed as well. It was hard to hold it back for so long. I wonder who is throwing that confetti onto the lovers? FallenAngel created a very tender atmosphere with the pink sheets and background. It might be hard core anal sex displayed, but I get the impression that this is a moment between two close lovers.
I also wanted to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone tonight. I had what I guess was my last Shamrock Shake till next year tonight. No green beer for me tonight. XD I hope you all had fun!

:D nice desu - FallenAngel