On March 16th Patrick Fillion and Robert Fraser the main men behind Class Comics tied the knot. I got several artist on top of the task of wishes your dear friends all the best. I am going to present the images in two blog posts.
The first image is by Sirio. For our project we choose Cam and Locus. I think that with Cam being their oldest character, being around since childhood, he was a good choice to show purposing to his long time boyfriend Locus. Sirio did a really classy job on the card. I love the outline!

She took on the new Cam with ease. Made him really hairy. Both men have some serious booty both in the front and back. XD Locus is flaccid and almost past his knees! The boytoons shine; literally thanks to Sirio. I love to commission Sirio for these two guys, cause she always e-mails me about how much she loves drawing Locus and Cam during the process. No refs needed. Ha! Something I thought was touching was how Sirio drew a very modest diamond on the ring. I always felt that while Cam and Locus are not poor in anyway, they do struggle to survive. So instead of a giant rock, I thought this was more fitting and touching in reflection of that fact.
Speaking the romance between Camili-Cat and Locus, Class Comics released a few shots from Cam's new comic. One of the great things about the images released is that we finally get to see what a Tolarians cock looks like. Hmmm It kinda reminds me of a blueberry candy cane, matching the nipples. Yummy! :P The book won't be out till the fall. How are we gonna make it till then? XD
FallenAngel was in charge of arranging a stag party for Patrick and Fraser. I think the entertainment we thought up might be a bit too extreme. Even the kings of gay comics would hesitate to take on the king of the centaurs might dick. :P

It was fun to watch Fallen once again draw Strider. His chibi Patrick is really cute, especially with that official shirt. :P I think the last time Fallen drew Strider was in Christmas 2010. We had a lot and I mean A LOT of ideas for Strider in the wedding setting. Sadly time was not on our side. Maybe we will explore some of those in the future.
Thanks again guys for helping get this party started.
Part 2 will be posted tonight!
And a guy like Strider...is too well HUNG! LOL* Nice and cute art by Sirio :D