Lastmanouthere once again returns to Skelldon and Tonia to commemorate two years of friendship and fun. I have a hard time convincing myself that amount of time has actually past by. Next month it will have been two years since the creation of Skelldon. The time has never slipped so quickly through the hour glass.
In this stunningly sexy picture, the boys are posing as a couple. Check the rings! See, Lastman remembered that Skelldon and Tonia were originally made for each other. This image has inspired me to make a 'couple' project with these two by the end of the year. I will have to explore Skelldons wooing the twink. There is something about Skelldons cute face that makes him look like a wonderful fantasy creature. Lastmanouthere decided to give Skellon a proper hair cut other then his usual wild so he looks very neat and handsome for his photo. He put some hair gel into Tonias head, giving his locks the sine of sweet honey. The only honey Skellon will want will soon be leaking from Tonias cock. ;) Tonia can relax in his big strong arms. (I wish I was too! XD) He will always be there to protect and keep him safe. (And Skelldon must be heaven with Tonia's hand cupping his giant ball.) :D I will never get over how cool he gets those big those shoulder horns. They seem to get bigger and even more realistic with each new image.
Lastman has really captured something here with these two hunks. Tonia just slides so perfectly into Skelldons embrace. Their eyes glitter and cheeks glow with tender innocence. Yet a few feet below this candid shot, their cocks give away their lust. Hard as stone, throbbing, aching, reaching out for each other....Truly a perfect fantasy couple that needs further exploration.
Lovely :D love thier pose - FallenAngel