It's stuff like this, along with the fact that Nintendo has never made the arcade perfect versions of their biggest classics like Donkey Kong, Mario Bros and Popeye available to players that has always baffled me. I mean, we got emulation, but Nintendo stands to make a decent buck by offering these over the NES ports. Nintendo seems to have a lot of internal grudges if you ask me. XD Anyway after the DSI wares release of the same old Donkey Kong JR Game and Watch it looks like someone did take note that there is a missed opportunity here.

And so incomes Divernova Games with JR To The Rescue. A game that uses graphics inspired by the Mario Vs Donkey Kong series and any number of ipad games to create a very fun new take on an almost 30 year old classic. The graphics are sharp, with all the characters looking a bit like puppets. The little music score included is pretty brilliant for the modern mode and the game even features an extended ending animation. There are options to fiddle with the sound effects and even play the game in a black and white mode that kinda resembles the original game a bit more.

Now I realize the makers wanted to have the game to have a certain look, but JR just isn't as charismatic as he was back when he was hand drawn. This is something 2D seems to always have over 3D sprites. Game and Watches feature some of the most beautifully drawn sprites of their day. They still stand the test of time today. This game does too have it's charms, but whereas JR seemed to have a little more brains and cunning in the original, his looks echo more of a simple minded ape in this version. The new take on JR in the early 80s drew many fans to the game alone. He had lost his clothes and gained Pac-Man eyes. But, hey, the same can be said of this version. I found this game by doing a google image search and instantly clicked the fascinating picture depicting the play field. Cosmetic changes draw us in and offer us something new and exciting to look at. That's what game design should be all about. Nintendo was all about this in the 80's. We were constantly getting new takes on the characters. It still happens today from time to time as well. Sadly I think it's Something Nintendo themselves forget about, especially when they over use their generic Mario 3D sprite in print and game media. At least this JR doesn't run along the same lines of Mr. Game & Watch who has been said on sydlexia.com, to be an insult to everything the Game and Watch team tried to create.
"Mr. Game & Watch's design is somewhat of an affront to the spirit of the Game & Watch series. Whereas Mr. Game & Watch is exceedingly generic and nondescript in his design, most Game & Watch protagonists were anything but. Series creator Gunpei Yokoi and his team worked very hard to give each title unique graphics and make each character as distinct as possible despite the limitations of the hardware. The characters in Game & Watch games have distinguishing eyes, mouths, noses, even ears sometimes. The only characters that look anything like Mr. Game & Watch are the NPCs you rescue in Parachute and Fire. It is no small tragedy that Nintendo has paid tribute to its successful handheld franchise by turning the series' most generic sprite into its public face. Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves for doing this. I know I am."
All that said, I do recommend the game. It's free and even if it wasn't, as a Game and Watch fan I could see myself dishing out a couple bucks to play it. It's not perfect, but I can only hope we will get more that is, if we support it. You can download it from the creators site for free here:

A rare image from a guide for Donkey Kong 94. It seems to retain a very classic cartoon feel to the characters. Something Nintendo no longer seems to promote.

Nintendo was all about changing it up back in the day, like with this eye grabbing take on King Koopa and the beaked Troopas. (Based I am sure on the game sprites look.)
DK classic eh? :D mmm looks like they havent did anything new to DK in DS yet - FallenAngel
ReplyDeleteWell they do have two Mario Vs Donkey Kong games, the second King of Swing game and some G & W ports, but no nothing really new based on the original Kong, or Country games.