Rum:"...one, two, three, four, f-five, six, seven!, E-eight times!?...O.O...
Joey:" Plus, now you know that not only me that can jump higher...'mine' can do it too as well...
Rum:"...I-i see...
lol, dunno if that makes sense or not...
and I am there, sitting behind, just carrying Joey's boxing gloves okay...>.>...I am innocent...
blame my pencil...trust me, I am innocent...
and maaan, now i wish I have tail...>.>
that's Joey
hope you like the result!
extra me as well as a bonus
and congrats for winning the raffle!
For the first time in eons, I get to use my reaction from another site:
Thanks so much for this.
I can see why you want a tail! Nice ball massage going on there eh?
Hee hee nice write up too!
Oh you are acting innocent in the background, but I wonder if your what is going on in your pants would be betray that statement?
After I got the image I immediately thought to ask Aneros to color it. He's done a fantastic job coloring another image by Pockyrum in the past. I felt he would be comfortable and enjoy doing another of their images. He certainly made the image really come to life with his coloring. It must have been a challenge as the original is a very detailed sketch with lots of pencil work. I thought Joey's feet look great before, but Aneros really defined them. Every part of Joey is now even more vibrant and eye popping. Dig the highlights on his big sexy legs and arms. Mmmm...MMMMMM! I didn't notice just how big and sweet Joeys neckerchief was till I saw it in glorious color. I want to see what's going on with Rum even more now! Hee hee. Thanks so very much guys! This picture is fabulous! :D
The original art!
You can check out the Pockyrum team here:
Since it's Australia Day, I thought I would share this. Did you know they had a pineapple burger at McDonald's Down Under in the 80s? The Gold'N'Grill looks yummy. Even better then when I put pineapple in lasagna!
nic :D love the scene design hott- FallenAngel