I'm still clinging to a very faint hope that a muscular version of Pit will appear in the next Kid Icarus game. I am of course only fooling myself. Setting myself for an eventual let down once I play the game. Of course that doesn't mean we can't have fun with already existing bara Icarus from the end of the first game. It's been almost a year since I commissioned anything based on Nintendo's Angel. Fittingly both images on this blog have been done for Valentines day. This one is of course a little early, but that's okay by me! This years dark, sexy image was done by K3RRY. His vision of Kid Icarus is set blazing across a pitch black sky. Beautiful wings illuminating the presence of the angel. An Angel that is a pillar of vitality and strength. This form seems to bring voice to an empty dark void. Very fitting to the mood of the original game that was cast against such darkness.

This picture was done very quickly by K3rry this week. He even did a couple versions. One that was smooth, and with the facial and chest hair. I personally loved the more gruff version and posted it in lieu of the other. We will be getting enough smooth Pit in the future I am sure...but if you guys want to see it, just ask in the comment section below. :) I love the way K3RRY took on Icarus's face. He's got this strong body, but his face has such youthful, playful charm to it. His eyes have an almost animal like magnetism to them.
K3rry still has his commission open and is looking for some help! You can find out more here:
http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/journal/k3rry/275721/Or comment on his blog:
Rawrrrr Hot Pit :D -FallenAngel