Her Jacob is just too hot! He's gotta be included in her top ten men. ;P I love edition of tender little bits of red skin around his elbows and knees. It makes him looks so young. I guess it's the result of his skin meeting the cold November air. Jacob is like a big sexy doll! You just want to cuddle all day. Her Edward is really awesome. She did a great job on his crazy hair and his pale, but strong body. (Probably in much better shape then Roberts.) All in all I was so impressed with this one, I had to post it as soon as it came to me. Thanks so much Caravaggia.
I also want to link you guys to one of Caravaggias works in her ONE SKETCH A DAY site. It's a really nice picture of the Virgin Mary meeting with the angel Gabriel. She says it's a bit blasphemous, but I think that makes it even cooler. Kinda fitting with the Christmas season, regarding the birth of Jesus. Anyway I will let you discover it yourself. It's steeped with symbolic imagery. If you don't read French, you can use an online translator to better understand the text.
Nice ^_'