I absolutely love Sirios shading abilities, that were also present in her Jotaro image. They work well on so many levels. The purple in the costume was a great touch too! I get Darkwing Duck flashbacks! HA! ^_^ Thanks so much Sirio for the incredible image!
This was not the only Halloween image Sirio cooked up! You should check out Sirios blog Yaoi Dude for her Halloween Demons! They are exploring the some very dark regions! XD
Raul of the Rainbow Boys let his inner beast loose and created one of the sexiest werewolves around. Based on the classic movie and full of his own personal passion, he's a sight to behold:
You can also purchase a copy of him! He is sure to make peoples eyes pop out of their heads!
Caravaggia presented Patrick Fillion and I with one hell of a treat, with no tricks. She created a short comic featuring Patricks Jacko and my own Jasper! I love this woman! ^O^ You just gotta check it out. Her take on the characters is so sexy. Thanks so much for this Caravaggia caramel apple sweetie! :P
Speaking of Patrick, you HAVE to check out his Halloween issue on Boytoons. I sent him a very inspiring video. The result is a very retro erotic piece, that has to be seen to believe. Children of the 70s will eat this up! He has a brand spanking new comic featuring Ghost Boy and Jacko too! This one is done in his traditional style, as apposed to his Bryce Peters style from last years strip. As if that isn't enough, he also showcases the art of Caravaggia and Cray. Their sexy Zombie and werewolf will have you howling! Enjoy! :D
Don't forget to check out Crays blog. He has a number of Halloween themed images this year. These Include Resident Evils Chris Redfield.
And now, the most terrifying Halloween video of ALL TIME! Just to listen to it, is to GO MAD!!!
Now that that's forever embedded in your brain, lets move to a real Halloween video.
I invite you to enter The Kingdom of Witches:
Ah, enchanting isn't it? Now...it wouldn't be Halloween with out a totally ghastly tale, now would it? I warn you, I will not be responsible for any nightmares, or sleepless nights you suffer after following the link I provide below. FallenAngel cooked up his most horrible and crocked story of all time this Halloween. You can find his story within the walls of FallenAngels Tower. I pray you make it alive as you encounter THE GRINNER:
Good night out there, what ever you are! Scream you tomorrow...
Awesome Zorro :D