Hey guys! I decided to do a couple posts today. I won't be able to do much posting tomorrow, as I will be away for the day. This post should have been up a few days ago anyway. Halloween is a busy time for me! XD As it is as well for our little Belvadar! He has met the pen of JCARTBLOG and is looking super
hunkerific as a result!

What a gorgeous picture! I would have to say JC's Belvadar is even better then his He-man image. (Which is not easy feat to beat!) Oh to have a chest like that! XD You will notice that Bels ears are getting bigger and bigger. I am loving the long look, hope you guys will too. The lighting effects really blew me away. The moon light seeping through Bels wings is just too wild. JCARTBLOG was really in the Halloween spirit, filling in the picture with some very festive onlookers! Hee hee. Woowie zowie..what fun I have it is to see this guy work! ^_^ Thanks JC!
Todays Halloween Favorite comes from the 1930s. Popeye and the gang explore a ghost ship in SHIVER ME TIMBERS! It's a true spooky comedy classic.
Here's the sketch that started it all. XD
naughty Belvadar :D now let hope that candle wont drip LOL* - FallenAngel