Hey guys. I want to say a great big "
thank you very much" to the 3 contributors who came to my aid. As promised, if I could reach my goal, I would release the newest hentai manga by FallenAngel and myself. We got a lot of positive feedback regarding Tyrells last adventure, so we decided to do another story featuring him. The feedback was equally positive towards a certain
retro porn star, so we decided to feature him in this story.
We join Tyrell, his best friend Sarah and his boyfriend Zack on vacation at a quiet little resort. Tyrell is about to meet his straight porn star hero
Afro Johnson.
DinosaurPrince's Kingdom Proudly Presents:
Tyrell and Sarah
Hawaii 4 AfrO
Tyrells Porn Star Pursuit!
Story By DinosaurPrince and FallenAngel
Art by FallenAngel

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of Tyrells life. This comic was a lot of fun to do. We started with a basic script and plotted out about the first half of the story, before we started work on the pages. Unlike our other projects, after a certain point, we did this pretty much page by page. This lead to a lot of back and forth on ideas. As we did each page we thought of what should happen next. Sometimes stuff we planned out was changed as new ideas inspired by Fallens Drawings came about. That's common during the comics process, but more so here with the freedom of having a loose story structure. I have no doubt we could have kept it going for another 10 pages, or more very easily. Fallen worked super fast on it during the month of June. Doing comics with Fallen is always very stress less, but not having a totally set plot helped to make this even more easy going. We basically breezed from page to page.
Before we started, we talked a bit out the character Zack. Zack was sort of a late edition. In fact when talking about the story I included him as just a possible story element to appear much later in the comic. He wasn't in the first part of the story at all and only briefly mentioned by the time I had wrote out a first draft. I imagined him just showing up unannounced at Tyrells hotel room, surprising his friends. His purpose was different at first as well.
The night I handed the first half of the story to Fallen, I drew about 5 different sketches of him, (Only 3 of those I think I shared with Fallen.) Fallen liked the idea of him and drew a sketch right away. I imagined him as Asian, then white, then a mix. He went through a few hair styles and body types. In my mind I imagined him very slender and being slightly shorter then Tyrell. When I drew him though, he appeared the same height and Fallen went with that. Which, I think worked out much better. He became a stronger character in the end.
Final design sketch of Zack.
So, how did we decide on his hair? Well I finally decided that I wanted him to have long flowing locks, parted down the middle. I wanted him to have a
tropical boy look to him. I found a model with a hair style I liked and Fallen used this model as the basis for him. He had a few more accessories at first too, including some goggles, a necklace and an ankle bracelet. These were dropped either to make him quicker to draw, or to make way for his pet snake. Why the snake? Well as I sketched the new pages for Zack, I kept doodling the snake in each panel as a joke. Fallen liked it and we kept him in. In fact he really had fun with the snake, as he appeared in almost every sketch panel at first. As soon as things got heavy, he found a nice quiet place to sleep. :P
Zack is about 20 years old. He loves swimming and used to be on a swim team in high school. He's been Tyrells friend for some time. The two have been working out together at the same gym. Tyrell really helped him get a bigger body. He only recently came out of the closet. He started dating Tyrell a few months before the '
pool tool incident.'
Afro was fun to explore. Fallen cirtainly helped establish him as the kind of person you would want to get to know. He's always got a big smile on his face. Thanks to Fallen, he's a very friendly, warm character. I wanted to give him some really cheesy 70s sayings in each panel, but it got a little too corny, so I cut most of it out. Even though his dialog was changed, we did manage to keep in a little retro charm here and there. Fallen decided to decorate Afros hotel room with 'wonderful' green and yellow wall paper, so typical of that decade. :P Yikes! hee hee.
Afro was a performer that got his start during the late 90s. It was a time when there were very few uncut black men performing in American porn. This is one of the reasons Tyrell looks up to him so much. He's about 34 years old now. He idolizes many things from the 70s and often dressed himself in 70s attire on set. Many people easily mistake him and his work as being from that decade, as directors often cast him in films set during the time period, shot to even look vintage. He's always lived his life as a straight man, but after meeting Tyrell, he's decided to finally allow himself to explore his fascination with men.
During the comics production, FallenAngel hurt himself and took a short break. During his recovery he drew many sexy pictures of Sarah Shanalee. One was of her at the beach, meant to be a teaser for what was to come. Of the 4 images produced my favorite was her as a cowgirl. She looks absolutely stunning in it! If you would like to see the rest of the images he drew of Sarah, please follow the link below to Fallens blog!
I want to thank FallenAngel for the fun experience of doing another comic with these characters. For taking the time to go over each page and really bring something special to each one. Sometimes I think he was drawing faster then I could write! hee hee. Some of my personal favorite parts he drew were
* The blushing, winking Afro on page 6, he's so adorable!
* Tyrell leading a slightly worried Zack over to Sarh on page 5.
* Sarahs pose and expression as Afros cock looms towards her on Page 8.
* The shot of Tyrell reaching over to grab Afros cock on page 2. I like how Afro is
leaning back there.
*And of course the huge group cum shot!