Happy Canada day hosers! :P I have some great art to add to the celebration. It's my 4 new commission from Astasia666! She has once again created 4 immaculate little paintings. 3 are from the world of Vann. What I love about all of them is the style. I think after spending a lot of time gathering images from old books on prehistory, I came to realize even more how much they echo so well many of the great illustrated books of the past. It is a style you do not see much today and it is so great to see Astasisa666 preserving it. Let's take a peek into the little windows into the strange and wonderful worlds she creates! :D To start off, here is Lerhoo hiding in the tall grasses:

Lerhoo looks so perfectly placed in a Savannah. The tall grass blowing in the wind seem to have been brushing against him and are really turning him on! All alone, deep in the field, with nothing but birds and mountains in the distance, Lerhoo can spend some time in quiet solitude. He can, that is, after he enjoys a little self induced pleasure. I wonder if Lerhoo would use such a field as this to hide in and wait for unsuspecting young men to wonder through? Hmmmm...

There is a storm brewing in both the world and heart of Equinnus. The brave centaur raises an arrow up and focuses his gaze upwards, as if in defiance of the heavens themselves. Astasia666 really knows how to create an atmosphere of adventure. Love the darker clouds that hang low in the sky and the wind whipping through the dark grasses and the gay centaurs legs. I was very impressed on just how wild and detailed his hair was. A truly wild piece!

When I got to see Kraw Lash up close, I found him to be most breathtaking! The shading around his face and horns gives off an almost 3D effect. He just kinda pops out from the page! The details on his eyes are exquisite. There is a special beauty in his long smooth horns. The clouds above him add to the ancient feel of the character. I wonder if Kraw Lash is getting ready to face off against the same sky born enemy as Equinnus?

Last is Philip and Syrena from Pirates of the Caribbean 4, enjoying a romantic swim together. ^_^ Syrena's has been given skin like a China doll and a body that reminds me of classical paintings depicting mermaids. Innocent Philip's eyes are hopelessly locked on his love. Good thing she truly cares about him. He may drown otherwise. :P Philip is really handsome. I appreciate the low fitting pants and super smooth back.
Thanks so much Astasia666!
Woho! looks like you got a renessance colection now as well :D nicely painted OC's great work Astasia666! - FallenAngel