Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Aneros

Hey guys Aneros just had a birthday and I got a couple friends of mine to help whip him up something special. I gave a choice of some of Aneros's favorite characters, or his original creations. Both artist chose his sexy OCs! :D First off we have the lovely Caravaggia drawing up a sensational Mardi Gras orgy!

Caravaggia created that wicked art-nouveau background herself. What a fitting frame work to wrap her smooth party boys in! The whole image has this very soft romantic vibe to it due to her wonderful coloring and and character placement. Love the rosy bum cheeks! Someone has been having a very good time indeed! With the mix of classic costumes and the background elements, it has the essence of card from the turn of the 20th century. Simply wonderful. This is one way hot little masterpiece you cooked up Caravaggia! Thanks again. :D

When FallenAngel took on the prospect of drawing Gabe, he asked if he was free to do as he liked. I told him of course, knowing he had something very special in mind. And that he did! His gift included decking Gabe out in an all new outfit. And what an outfit it is! The loose belt, feathery jacked with the open sleeves and the blue jeans all look super! Gabe looks good with feathers I must say. Fallen didn't skimp on his tan, no the thickness on his hung cock! Woo!

You can see his original Mardi Gras Men at his blog here:

And Gabe's original art can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes I do recall seeing that his birthday was around the corner. Happy birthday to him! X3 and really nice work on the giftarts, everyone. Very cool.



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