Poor Ixy! Having his foreskin caught in a puppet masters strings, being forced to jerk off at the same time would be very unnerving. Having someone else force you to push a big dildo up your ass with the heel of your foot must feel like something else...As scary as this is, that boner says on some level he's enjoying this.
Now the question is, who's dream is it really?
PPMAQ did a super job on This. The lighting is extraordinary. His Ixy is super hot. Loving the foreskin action making the cock look like a human sausage! Yum Yum..order up... XD I am finding PPMAQ to be a master of expressions and the look he put on Nehmes face is one that sticks with me long after I walk away from the PC. Excellent work PPMAQ! Can't wait for our next adventure. :)
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!
PPMAQ, did a great job, a bit creepy on the light source and the almost eagle shape illussion , great work! - FallenAngel
ReplyDeleteThere are so many great details here! Thank you both for this wonderful gift XD
ReplyDeleteI couldnt be more happy that you all liked it this much! <3<3<3 And Happy Birthdaaaay! (kinda late)