Okay guys something a bit different with this entry. I am going to show the final group of images I was lucky enough to get for my birthday, but as well I will be premiering three brand new characters. First off is the image I was very surprised to get yesterday. It's Joey drawn super adorable once again by
Andy AD140! :D

Andy not only drew a wonderful image he also said some very kind words as well. The boy got me blushing. He apologized for being late (like he has too!) So I said, it might be a couple days late, but that cake looks very fresh to me!

Especially that topping! Hee hee Wow! Joey has been saving up to ice the entire cake, eh? That will be one heck of an orgasm. I bet cumming that much must feel extraordinary. XD ENVY!!!

Thank you Andy! I have said it before to you, but you really do make some sparkling faces. Joey is just so darn adorable. I want to tassel that hair of his! He might punch someone for being that fresh with him...but those eyes tell me he's a gentle fighter! He has the rosiest cheeks I ever saw on him! If not for the naughtiness with would make a very marketable greeting card!

LOL. But then that is why I love it so much. Wouldn't change that for the world. Very nice cock on him. I like how thick the foreskin is under the front of the cock head. Very nice touch.

Yum yum yum, I had better save some room for a little down under delight!
Thank you very much man for taking on Joey once again and also thank you for the very kind words.

Next up is a big surprise, cause it's of Danny! He's a character sweet FallenAngel created with me way back when! What a delightful treat to see him again! This time he's sporting some new duds to give him a little Ali style as Fallen put it. :) So now Danny has a sexy new outfit to don in his next bout!

Danny is back with some fresh new lips and even more definition! Gonna be hanging on to that hoodie, it looks wicked on him! Love the tribal pattern on it. Very cool! Dannys cock is awesome. The pink head really stands out beautifully. It's so big and thick and strong..jeeze (pokes it.) He could fuck anything with that! Thanks so much Master FallenAngel you always know just what the perfect gift is bro! You keep me going! This was a nice reminder that we have a wonderful character to work with. You know Danny will be back. This actually inspired me to think up several new stories for him.
The third and final image comes from the sexy and talented Lastmanouthere. He asked me some time ago what kind of image I would like for my birthday. Well talk about getting a genie in a bottle! XD That was really awesome of him! It didn't take me longer then a few seconds to come up with just the idea for him. I doodled up a party scene with our favorite Mayan boys in it. Ixy, Nehme, Tucatiuh and even brand new character. And Lastman set to work. (While I counted the days in great anticipation.) A true reason to party cause today we unleash the puppets of Nehme!
I don't know, I can't think of a more refined party gift then half naked men, a dragon and cake all drawn by him! XDIxy and Nehme have settled their differences in the spirit of the day, but alas the message of this temporary truce was not received by Nee. As always Lastman did a fantastic job. Even though the image was done days ago, he strived for perfection and continued to add things to it over the last week. Nee can take the cake, I will take the meaty dishes Lastman serves up over it any day! Even though it was not asked, he still found a way to add in some sensual elements. Nehmes big balls and Ixy's wardrobe malfunction were a tantalizing touch! I can't tear my eyes off his Nehme. Love those arm muscles to death! The costumes of both men are breathtaking. I don't know how he does it so fast. The high res is just gorgeous. The characters look like they were painted on an animation cell. :D
Lastman always the expert costume designer created a nice comfy little outfit for Nee. He even gave him some wood markings on his cheeks, something I had in mind, but never was able to execute properly myself. Like those little stick legs.
Nee the Pygmee is Nehmes henchmen puppet. He lives to serve his master. He is the smallest of Nehmes puppets, but he is also the the toughest. Smart, agile and a master warrior, are all things Nee would love to be! The truth is he is the grunt sent in to do the hard stuff and take the most lumps. :P Nee, despite his thievery, is a sweet little scamp. His main adversary is Tucatiuh, the toucan dragon. They are constantly at odds with each other.
I first drew these guys up along with Nehme. I wasn't too happy with my designs at first. So they went back to the drawing board, again and again. XD Nee however was different. I recently redid him just a touch and couldn't stop drawing him. One day I am sure these little sketches will make their way into larger pictures. :)

My sketch of the scene. I like how Lastmanouthere added in a candle to the middle of the sun to make it give off light. :D Very clever!

Nee Redesign page one. I decided to give him a very large nose.

Kee the bird puppet comforts Nee. Still working on his look.

My latest sketches of Naoume, the head puppet.

Did I err?

The first sketch of the puppets. This was done right beside my first image of Nehme last summer.

Nee dreams of being a true hero and saving Nehme.

Okay guys! I hope you enjoyed this little behind the scenes look. Tomorrow something special from Cray! It's been awhile since his last project with me. :D