A very bizarre design indeed, the King of the Irish Elk has wings made of Velvet and antlers. Never a fun thing to explain to people. After Caravaggias commission I kinda filed him away. She did an beyond amazing job on him and put a ton of love into the image, but the character is still very odd for new comers to take on. Seeing how well Urban does his boys, I just had to chance it. I was happy that Urban took him on and found him interesting to work on. (i.e. he didn't ask me if I was totally nuts! LOL)

Check out the great work on the body Urbanmusiq did. He gave him a strong, handsome and very proud face. It's so great how the light reflects off of it. What a nice touch!!! Love the sideburns and the great ears!
The wings turned out so much better then I expected. They look awe inspiring. The craziest gliders I bet he will ever draw! XD His penis stands out proud against the moon light with his grape head juicily poking through the foreskin. His arms and muscles are so gorgeous! What a masterpiece!!! XD Don't you just want to caress that torso? ha ha ha! XD

Ubran was kind enough to give me a version of him with out the moonlight and a different colour scheme. AWESOME!!! That folks is just divine customer service!
Thank you Urbanmusiq. I know this was the final commission I paid for, but I don't think this will be the final request. I hope this is the start of a long and fun friendship.
He really does some good work on characters. I can't say anything truly bad about it. Nice one. ^^