Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Gene Lightfoot: Hunky Animated Inkling NZapper

To comemorate my 1050+ hours of being sucked into Splatoon, I decided to ask a blog favorite Gene Lightfoot to please create an animated picture.  If I could personify my love for this game in physical form, then it would be no doubt Gene's picture of a bomb range totting Nzap 85 muscle hunk Inkling!  If only we could level up Inklings to look like this.  (A level 100 dream, that will never ever happen!!!)  This mocha inkling is spraying fabulous all over Inkoplois, thanks to Gene's wild imagination.  He's the only Inkling that can shoot 2 colours of ink as well.  Though, that second type is pretty sticky.  It's better used as a trap, than to try to swim through himself!!!  Thanks so much Gene! If you guys want to add me to your friend list in Splatoon send me a message on here, or in my tumblr!! 

Better Than The Deadpool Movie!

Well, this more than what Hollywood can ever offer fans of Deadpool anyway! I just had to post this super hot video I found featuring Devil May Crys Dante getting fucked by Deadpool.  I love that Deadpool appears to be uncut, but his foreskin situation isn't the greatest. (Fits with the deformed character right?)  Seeing Dante get fucked till he squirts get's me right off! Enjoy!!

Friday, January 22, 2016

In The Clutches Of The Dinosaur Men

After a long battle with his carnosaur prey, Vannk Zillia collapses in an exhausted heap.  Taking 40 winks with fresh meat near by is never a good idea. It's an especially bad one, when your in the lava temple of the dinosaur priests.  If only Vannk had known that was where he had hunted his prey too!  They take the cave elf easily by surprise.  Using the tails of two paralasaurus, they string him up, before he has a chance to awaken.
  The priests order him be stripped of his garments, washed down and put in more ceremonial garb.  Vannk wakes up filled with instant hate and rage.  Even before he awakes his senses tell him the exact danger he is in.  He struggles to break free.  The priests, Troon and Saguin are impressed with their captive. It is not often any struggle against their will. They happily inspect the ancient elf.  They chirp their bird call like laugh as they caress his soft skin. They are confident in their safety, knowing no beast can break the power of those tails and no one dare oppose them with the giant Ruussodon keeping watch over them.

 Their curiosity peaked, the dinosaur priest remove the ceremonial garb from around Vannks waist.  They expose his massive uncut cock.  Their own long thing cocks become instantly hard.  Their pale in comparison in size and girth to the Elfs, but their length match with their monstrous virility makes them insatiable lovers.   Vannk has much more to fear, now that he has awaken their lust.  Taking note of both dicks, Vannk wonders about Troon, who lacks a skin shield that men usually have around their man mushroom.

Despite his rage, the effects of the paralasaurs tails have begun to weaken poor Vannk. The fingers of the priests, never having done any kind of labor all their lives, are like pure silk. The constant caressing and petting has made Vannks cock extremely hard.  Not at it's full length yet though, as ever ounce of him is still trying to resist and break free.  What will be his fate? 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Alexander the Outsider: Lastmanouthere Starts 2016 In A BIG way!

Hey guys!  Got the very first picture from Lastmanouthere for you all to enjoy today.  He's starting 2016 a bit differently.  Taking a little break from the Mayans and the Aztecs, he's decided to explore another story.  This is one he has been thinking about for some time.  The main character of this story is below: Alexander.  He's a man an assissiantion mission, he just isn't too sure how his target should be.  Well Alex, my advice, as someones uncle once said, one cold December morn, would be "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out."    I don't think he is going to take my advice....  I will let Lastmanouthere fill you in on the details, after you get a good look at this hunky hung hero! He looks like a good partner for the bedroom and on an adventure!

Tan Blond, with a massive sausage cock?  He might be out for blood, cut I think cum is going to be far more prevalent in his future.

From Lastmanouthere:

I've had the idea of a dystopic, Guilty Gear-like storyline for a long, long time. The basic ideas have been there all the time.
In a world destroyed by technology; there is a special discipline called "the art" some persons can use.
The setting is a city, isolated from whatever the rest of the world, is controlled by a secretive religious conclave. Conformists live in an island in the center of the city (think Manhattan), enjoying a relatively normal life, with some comforts allowed to them from the elite.  The ruling elite are know as the Citadel.  Those who don't conform are banished away (think the Bronx, Brooklyn), where they either live in rudimentary, peaceful communities, or as raiders of the former. (Isn't that how the Brox is now? DP.)

In this setup, Alexander arrives into the city. It didn't go unnoticed, as many of the inhabitants of the city assume the rest of the world is in ruins at best, decimated at worst. Alexander has a mission.  It is to kill someone, but he doesn't know who. He just knows he has to kill a person. He gets to know the members of one of the pea cup groups, Zachery,his brotherly figure; Sigfried, and the father-like leader; Marius. He also gets to know the mecha-equipped military the citadel uses to patrol the outside of the island, and the murderous raiders who threaten Zachery's community.

Lastmanouthere informs me that this took him some time to complete.  Not coming up with the sexy character design and the backstory.  That part is never a challenge for his mind!  It was the drawing process that ate up his time since coming home from Christmas vacation.  His new apple pencil, along with using the ipad pro allowed him greater freedom than ever before, with massive canvas sizes available. Of course size isn't EVERYTHING.  The bigger the canvass the larger the hardship!  Ah well, live and learn.  He will just have to remember to scale it down a bit for next time.  Just don't shrink your imagination and *ahem* features of your glorious men my friend!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Year Of The Monkey Master Of Flame 2016

2016 may very well belong to our new character, an eons old ancestor of Vann Illia and his quests.
FallenAngel was suggesting we do something with a flame monkey in celebration of the Chinese new years.  I thought about it for a bit, but really wasn't coming up with anything all that great.  While talking to my friend Frank, I got inspired and started to doodle.  One thing lead to another and  Vannk was born.  A prehistoric Elf, his evolution is very different than that of humans.  They kept their prehensile tails much longer.  His ears are much larger than his descendants, being able to hear the slightest sounds from far distances. He only allows the brute to think it has ambushed him!  He is ready to strike with file and blade!

Like Vann our new warrior might be of mixed origins.  I would love to explore him a lot more.  Maybe doing a short little collection of pieces that tells as short story.  The character is still very much a work in progress.  We will have to see what kind of direction (if any) that we go on him. I'll probably base that on his popularity.

Below you can see a small glimpse into the creative process.  A couple sketches I did on sai and the piece as FallenAngel worked on it. You can see him not liking the sword position and deciding to use it in a position like a cane. Testing the rocks stability as he crosses the molten area. Also note the ammonite was a squid here.  A nice alternate collar, the the necklace we eventually used.  Ever wonder where Vann got that fossil he wears?

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Season's Greetings everyone.  I hope you are all having a horny holiday so far.  I personally had a lot of fun ringing in the year.  That was mostly thanks to master Fallenangel.  Together we came up with what we thought was a fun concept, we hoped you guys would enjoy.  Lil Deep and Dimata are having contest to see who could catch the most snow flakes before the year ends.  Of course, leave it to these two to perv it up! 

Happy New Year guys.
I hope this year will find me a lot more productive.
All our love to you, our loyal bloggers,
Your friends
FallenAngel and Dinosaurprince 


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