Since September I have had the honor of working on the first book to actually publish work that I co-created. It was an exciting time. I got to help so many people. Gathering e-mails, sending communication back and forth to various artists with questions about the project, sending ideas out and watching people work with the greatest of joy on their various creations. It was an experience like no other. The artists enthusiasms proved to be a shining light in the Jack-O-Lantern of my life, as I struggled with a new job. Their happiness and excitement kept this project going strong. Of course I am talking about Class Comics Meaty #3 The Halloween Meaty! The book got so big it got split into 2 volumes. A Trick Edition and a Treat Edition. I myself helped produced two images that made it to the books. Today and tomorrow I will show you a preview of each of them. The first one I did with my bosom buddy, FallenAngel. Our image made it into the Trick Edition.

Byron the Space Cadet is getting a little Revenge on Jacko the Halloweener after last years attack. He's being made to keep his word and help Cadet prepare for his Halloween party. Seems he shouldn't have made a promise he might not be able to keep. To see what exactly is going on, please pick up a copy of the book! And yes, that is our Chef Cadet from the Game and Watch Parody! XD

Here is another little blog exclusive, sneak peek! From the amazing mind of Aneros we have Camili-Cat dressed up very brilliantly for Halloween. He's hiding behind the unsold pumpkins having a good time with a friend. This is one of my top 10 images of the books. It not only captures the characters so well, it has such a neat idea behind it. Along with this Aneros's art brother Guytoonist also contributed to the book. He's created a big beefy Franken-Cam that just has to been to believe. Another in my top 10. The art gives the people at Magic the Gathering who do all those great black mana cards a run for their money! Aneros is found in the Trick Edition, Guytoonist is found in the Treat one.
Let me tell you, it does the heart good to see a friend make the cover of a book! MioWorks Naked Justice with his little pumpkins is awesome. You can see a much clearer version of it in the book.
Mr. Adonix brings us Halloween 70s style with his Franken-Disco!! He was so naughty. He kept showing me this with a large piece of tattered cloth over Discos dick! :P Discos dark body is brilliantly illuminated by his creepy disco ball. I want one of those! That pumpkin in the front freaks me out!!! LOL! It's a stylish edition to the book. Disco needs more love like this!
Our lovely Raul of the Rainbow Boys and Norm (Who has worked on Camili-Cat stories in the past) bring forth two images that capture the classic feel of Halloween. Like two post cards lost from decades ago, they echo a time when Halloween art was so very classy. This is what Halloween used to be all about. :)
Another of my personal favorites, was LuckySanfords cute and so cartoony Cowboy Cadet! He's so happy! Ha ha ha. Love this. I think it's his best piece ever.
This stylish art of Diemos by Rubo was given out as a Wal-paper to Class Comics Subscribers.
The great Gigan goes all out with 5 character celebration for the holiday! Totally amazing no? :D
Halloween in a farmers field...truly capturing the old school feel of the holiday! :D
Caravaggia has sweets in both the Trick and Treat Editions of the book. She produced 3 images total, including this full comics page!!! It was exciting to Stephy and Spot together! A preview of things to come from Class no doubt! Centaur Lovers HAVE to check the books out for her Strider image alone!!!
Logan fans are in for a super treat. The king of buff men produced a short comic for book featuring everyones favorite demon Deimos and Jacko! It's freaking HAWT!
LOL Inmomakuro gives us a deeper look into this image of Flammer and Zahn in the book. So nice to see Flammer get some love.
Eric Mars created on heck of a creepy epic piece. LOVE The tones here. So wonderful and creative. Green Jacko rocks!
Our Buddies at Pokyrum created some sweet work for the book. Two men enjoying Lollipops! XD
Ah, the story behind this piece...First off Rub created 3 explosive pieces for the book. This one almost didn't make it, but after cries from fans (cough myself included) and Patrick Fillion himself, Rub gave the image a some brilliant colors and submitted to the book. So awesome to see Cadet and Naked Justice together again! :D
So who else is in the book who is regularly featured on
Dinosaurprince's Kingdom?
Let's see, there is my bro
CrimsonBlood who drew the lovers Diablo and Ghostboy out Trick, or Treating. There's
Karolux who produced 2 hot images for the books.
Cray, who once again displays his awesome graphic novel style on a piece featuring Mako Finn.
Leon De Leon created two stunning works. Our
Urbanmusiq brings the most happy and handsome Diemos as a vampire, as well as a tribute piece to last years Halloween Stripshow that Patrick drew of Ghostboy meeting Jacko.
Absolutbleu, provides some ass ramming action.
Adras (Yelmo around these parts.) has Zahn kneeling in a haunted forest for your viewing pleasure.
Baralust provides a big beefy Deimos in peril!
Our old buddy
Demona drew a stunning Glow worm in the pumpkin patch! (it's so nice!!)
Ephorox has Mako Finn getting in trouble for playing Halloween tricks at the pool! Pfffft!
Gene Lightfoot, aka Skyboy worked with me as well as created a piece of his own for the book. (More on that soon!)
Icemanblue created an uncut Diablo that is very beefy! O__O He be working out this holiday.
IvanHorny has Peter meeting with Jacko again, but Jacko has a TRICK up his sleeve. Oh my... XD
Kerainen was one of the first people to give me a little preview of his work for the book. In his awesome image Trip is about to learn his lesson for telling scary stories on All Hallows Eve! :P
MTCopyright, aka
1320 has Cam all witchy for the holiday!
Dear sweet
Sirio drew a whole 2 page comic for the book. You gotta see this one. Demon meets demon!! She and I just completed another Halloween project we will be revealing here soon as well!
Ulysses rendered up some devilish fun for the book. Hydaria created one heck of a spooky piece that was double usage in both books as the inside cover and featured in the other! Last, but not least we have
WTJohn with Jacko chilling in the pumpkin patch after a night of fun!
I feel like the guy at the end of the Tazmania theme song.
Have we left anyone out??
Oh yeah, let's not forget about Patrick Fillion! He has lots of new and old art to share in the book as well! LOL! There's Zombies, his first publicly drawn image of GlowWorm, Diablo, a
very interesting Cam, Locus and more! All the Class regulars are here. Jacob Mott provides a full comic page and more. Joseph Hawk created one of the most interesting images, as he takes on a very graphic new style for the book. (It's a really funny and sexy piece.) Anthony Gonzalez is here doing some amazing things with pencils and Zahn. Gotta be one of my personal favs of the book. Bob Grey, Illustrator of Space Cadet #1 returns with an awesome image of Deimos. Hotcha did a hardcore sex piece. Even Robert Fraser got in the act with what turned out to be my favorite piece in the book! LOL! You have to see what he created!!! I want one so bad! XD
There's just too many artists to mention in one post. You owe it to yourself to check out the two books from Class. You're bound to discover some new talents and will have a great time seeing what your favorites have created. I don't think there has ever been anything created like this in the gay art community and I am very proud to have been a part of it! The best treat this Halloween is something very MEATY! :P