Sunday, January 9, 2011

Some HOT John Carter of Mars to Melt the Polar Caps! Art by Baralust, FallenAngel and C & R

Got something I have been holding on to since the fall today. First off is a fantastic image that will blow you away, (I know the sketch knocked me from my chair when I saw it!) by the very talented artist team C & R. If you thought their Joey and Lil' Deep images were great, just wait till you check this out!

The comic book cover that should have graced the series years ago! XD
John and Kan are blazing into battle against a crimson Martian sky!

This was great to watch the team work on. Their pencil work is always so beautiful. The commission process went as smooth as silk. Once again I had fun making them draw foreskin. :P Hee hee. I showed them many images from the comics and we had a lot of back and forth regarding the characters. It was fun talking about the Martians and the fact that the characters needed decent costume designs in the comics cause in the nudity in the books. (Save for trappings.) They had fun as you can see recreating the costume designs. They made sure to give each chacter some distinction in his costume. They noticed that in the early comics Kan and John wore a very similar outfit to each other. So they provided them with some differences on the belts!
The team nailed the characters based on the comics and applied their own charms making them extremely attractive in the process. Any Marvel Employee would be proud of this! :D John stands firm and unmovable, ready to kick all kinds of butt..he's so big and beautiful. They gave him a youthful Herculean look. There is no better word for it, he is magnificent! (Oh gosh that chest and those shoulders....drool.) XD It's nice to see him bigger then Kantos Kan. It really makes sense that he would be. ^_^

Kantos with his hair swishing, laser blazing and that snake of an uncut cock swaying lose is a dreamboat. I love my long haired men and C & R did him with the kind of sauve style I adore! I like how his torso tapers into that big solid belt. He has a cute round nose too. Hee hee. They do a super job on muscular bodies, legs and arms, don't they? :D Aside from the perfect forms of the men, I gotta give them credit for all nice lighting effects. The shimmer on the sword from the rising Martian sun, peeking over the cliffs is fabulous. They added a gleam to the gold and giant ruby on Johns harness (as well as Kans) that really grabs you.

Thanks boys for the brilliant image! I look forward as I am sure many bloggers do to our next project!
You can see their past works on the blogs with these links:

We all know FallenAngel is a drawing machine! During the time he was doing the panels for the John Carter story I wrote, we started to talk a lot about the books. He started to discover that the men do indeed wear pretty much nothing in the books and got some ideas regarding that. Since John is an immortal he would still be around today so here is his idea of what would happen if John met a modern day NASA robot. :P He's so crazy! XD

It's so nice to see Fallens Sexy John Carter again huh? I gotta give this man more subject matter with him! Love that nice round shape he gave his pectorals here. There is something about his kind eyes in this version that is sweet as well. You might notice that this version has the hair color found in the novels. Yep he actually did this at the same time as the panels. He surprised me with it one day and I had a good laugh. It got a lot of great comments when he posted it as well. It got people thinking of cross overs with modern characters. I keep thinking of Flash Gordon when I see that robot. :P

Now last, but in no way least is John Carter by Baralust! To this day it stands out as one of his most impressive pieces ever. There is so much going on in this image. John is being attacked by an entire army of bug men, slicing and dicing the fiends as at the same time, he is ensnared and soon to be ravaged by tentacles if he not careful! He even manages to squeezed in the world of Mars with the moons and a giant pyramid in the background! Baralust John turned more then a few heads, especially my own. He's one mountain of a man. He has the Baralust signature massive chest, sensual torso and 10 pound penis. Love the shading around his eyes. Now what makes this really so great? He did all this in pencil!!! This massive melee he did just sitting down at his desk with no computers! This scene would be hard to do at the PC, it's astounding to see someone do so many characters by hand these days. Barlust is out gay Sergio Aragones! LOL. I was very grateful to him and still am for this wonderful gift. I really should look into getting this colored huh? XD

This was my reaction back when he created it:

Wow, another Baralust triumph! I agree, this is very 80's meets Class Comics, with all the Baralust charm! You did this all my hand? :exclaim::exclaim::exclaim: So much detail and great shading. You did an excellent job on his hair. With all the bug men, the tentacles and the sword play this for sure captures the essence of those great comic book covers! Beyond excellent job man. Your John Carter would make Burroughs proud! :widesmile::heart:

So what is next for John Carter of Mars? Oh I have things planned you can bet on it!


  1. Really nice stuff all around. :3 A real professional twinge on all three images. I especially love how Baralust does things, and there is just so much all in the image that it had to be a real effort. Now this series isn't originally porny, right? XD I wasn't sure. But if it's just pervy imagination, it's a really great imagination indeed. :3 Good stuff!

  2. Wow, this is so different from Baralust other artwork, it's surprising ! But stunning. I love it !

  3. Baralust's John really buff up into action and C & R sexy John and Kan indeed it should be like that in the novel cover :D - FallenAngel

  4. LOL thanks Bu! Well it's a porny as half naked to naked people running around would be in 1914. I am guessing that is hard core for back then. XD NAH.

    Thanks Ga-L glad you like his work here!

    I agree Fallen, it should be a novel cover! :D

  5. You KNOW I'm gonna love a post like this! I only wish I had a sexy take of JC to add to your collection. I still wanna create that JC club on Y!Gallery (I know I've been very slack but I think I'll wait and see if Y! survives past Valentine's Day before doing it :P). Great artworks and it's lovely to see them all together like this!

  6. Ha ha ha, I knew you would appreciate this post Kid Nova! :D Thanks for the kind words towards the art! You should do a nice picture of him for sure. More John is on the way!
