Saturday, September 14, 2019

Summer Skelldon Suprise

Hello everyone!  Todays bara-licious image was done by BaoBaoart.  I came to know this very talented artist through twitter.  Never underestimate the power of retweets.  Thank goodness for them.  I have been enjoying his work for some time now.  He recently opened up his commissions.  Having seeing many examples of his delightful work, I did my best to request something right away.  Being so great with big bodied boys, I didn't even think of another choice, but Skelldon.  One of the first creations on this blog, it would be unheard of for him not to make a showing during our 10th anniversary!

 Do I recommend commissioning this very friendly artist?  Well, I think the epic image speaks very much for itself on that matter alone!  If you want some beautiful bara work done, then please follow the link below and tell him Dinosaurprince sent ya! :D  Enjoy guys! I know I did..ahem..BLUSH!

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