Sunday, September 15, 2019

Seuhle The Inquisitor

A couple months ago Lastmanouthere asked me what character class he should explore next.  Out of the choices he was trying to decide on, I told him that Inquistor would be the most fun and challenging for him to do.  So the boy set down to some very hard work.  He showed me many sketches over the last half of the summer.  Finally this morning he woke me up with his finished vision Seuhle.  I want to gush about every aspect of this wild guy, but dang it, you gotta read his story first, cause it gives so much back story that is absolutely required to FULLY appreciate this mysterious muscle man!  So please read on!

The young Seuhle was born to a minor merchant house in Banteka, his family were Prarians who were relatable enough to avoid the usual Bante-Prarian bad blood. Well-liked, prosperous and generous, the Kerkum house earned a place in Bante thanks to its connections in other countries and to the Liothi Guild of Commerce.

Unknown to the public, the Kerkum were devotees of the Prarian Vaisren ul Bredeufein, commonly referred to as The Lord of Suffering. Underneath their Prarian tunics, they hid the scars of countless mortifications they performed in service to their secret lord. Seuhle was from a very young age introduced to this by his parents, and with time grew to be a devotee of The Lord of Suffering himself, just as his three siblings. 

While his sexual awakening came in this SM circle, his heart was taken by a young noble of a minor house, Allore. Though Allore seemed to reciprocate the feelings, Seuhle knew his body would reveal his and his family's secrets, and so was forbidden to engage with the young man. Allore, however, proved to be both sweet and tenacious, and with time Seuhle gave in, finding Allore showed incredible understanding and willingness to accept Seuhle for who he was. 

The Kerkum, however, knew of no such tolerance. To maintain their lucrative deals and secret lifestyle, they convinced a naïve Seuhle to invite Allore to their place, where they killed to boy. Seething with grief, Seuhle refused to accept his parent's arguments that his sacrifice would be a priced offering to Vaisren ul Bredeufein, wether Seuhle knew of the plan or not. He pretended to be fine with the death, but as soon as he could, he went to the nearest temple of Osdeueg Hiilin, the goddess of Fiery Redemption, and ratted on his family, fully prepared to be chastised as they would be for his sins. 

His mother and youngest brother escaped the Fiery Lady's forces, but he and his other two siblings and father were brought in before material and spiritual justice. Seuhle repented his ways and confessed to bringing Allore into his death, unlike his family, which remained adamant Sufferers. His father was sentenced to death, his siblings to prison and him to penitence, which he undertook by renouncing his family name, his fortune, and entering into service of the Fiery Lady as an Inquisitor, searching all over for transgressors like his family.

There you have it, a story that is sure to hit home to many a gay man. I can certainly relate.  I saw my youthful lusts denied by society and family alike.  Fighting against what I was brought up to believe and what I know was true in my heart.  Finally emerging a stronger person for it, as many of us have I am sure.  Imagine having the chance in life to rid the world of people that discriminate, hurt others and their own, by exposing them.  It would be a difficult power to keep in balance, but for someone like Seuhle he knows more than anyone what it is like to be on both sides of that coin.
It will be interesting for Lastmanouthere to explore him in the future.  Hopefully once he has completed his sets, that will be the first task he takes on!

Now let's take an even closer look at the massive amounts of detail bestowed upon Seuhle!

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