Monday, May 20, 2019

Pretty Hung For A Fishman

Happy May two four everyone. Today marks the unofficial start of summer in Canada. (Not to mention my birthday.)   That being so, I decided now was as good a time as ever to post Sirios delightful take on my favourite Capcom character.   Her for your masturbation pleasure is big buff Rikuo!  His abs are so tight, they gleam in the morning light.  His bountiful man tits are begging you to suck them.  His cock head is doing its best to peek through that wall for yummy foreskin!  Won't you pull it back for him? Well, Sirio if you didn't already see!  I hope you guys enjoy this.  Rikuo was the one that started it all.  If I had not the desire to see him sexualized, who knows where I would be today?  The character opened door to a world of wonderful people and amazing adventures.  It is such a shame that Capcom has abandoned the series.

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