Sunday, May 19, 2019

Kay Sarth The Magical Ruler Of Saron Island

Hey everyone, looks like Lastmanouthere must have gotten some awesome inspiration from all the birthday art, cause yesterday he laid this stud on me! As the title says, this is Kay Sarth, a young man, who knows style as well as he knows magic!  His cute green eyes are all the magic I need...
His introductory story is as follows:

The young lord Kay Sarth was born to the ruling family of the Saron Island in the Inner Sea. A rich family of merchants, Kay defied his family to study magic as a Magus in the White Tower of Sai. He kept contact with his dear brother Blaji and his childhood confidant and daughter of the Saron Retainer, Karli, but not with his father Lord Borten Sarth. 

Once he has finished his studies, he joined the Liothi Commerce Guild in Arcadia on behalf of his family. Karli joined him there as his personal assistant. He saw his father now and then, but their relationship remained cool. 

Kay joined the fight of Milne, Tristan, Val and Kull after his father was accidentally killed by the group’s enemies, lamenting he never got a chance to reconcile with Lord Borten. His skills with both sword and spell are of great help to the team, specially as he is able to screw with peoples minds, causing fear or confusion with a touch of his rapier. 

Lovely parted hair and a baby face...
He bares a bit of a resemblance to his creator if you ask me.. ;)  

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