Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Teen Peng Vs Teen Vann Illia

The Cuteness...the cuteness...cannot...cannot be contained.  FallenAngels super cute version of Teenage Peng is now unleashed on us all...How fitting that such a vision of youth and beauty comes at the last day of my 39th year on this planet. -_-  Someone get me a cane and some dentures...Old age here I come...(Cries softly in the background.)  Seriously though, please enjoy this adorable image by our legendary Angel.  Yes, Vann and Peng didn't get along all that well.  Truth be told though, it was Vann who was, at least in this point in time, the mature and caring one.  He saw a lost boy and wanted to save him.   You might notice a couple things different about Peng, besides his hair..........

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