Monday, May 22, 2017

Hype Is Back

Happy Victoria day 2017 everyone.  Today we welcome back the Hype.  The amphibian man of the Devonian swamps.  A proud and curious young being, held slave to the Trilobite Chiida. He's been hidden from us for 6 years now, but thanks to FalleAngel he has risen from the swamp, where he was held captive.  He is embracing the sun and is ready for us to behold once more.  This will not please Chiida, who as arthropod being, would rather the vertebrates stay below the waves...

It has been a very long time indeed, since we saw this character.  Maybe we will see even more of him soon.  FallenAngel was kind enough to do a clean version as well as a super naughty one!  He did an amazing job adding little ancient water dwellers and a sunset that echoes a forgotten age!  His image fills me with desire to do more with what would have been the most amazing leap evolution could have ever performed!

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