Saturday, March 11, 2017

Proud Dimata By Leon De Leon

Hey guys,  talking some time away from my vacation in Hyrule, to bring you an oldie, but goody.  An image I squirrelled away for years now!  This is Dimata as imagined by Urbanmusiq.  This was probably the longest dick Leon De Leon drew at that time! A real trunk of a penis for sure! XD I really loved this image and it was Caravaggia who added the volcanic backorund and all the lovely soft colours to Dimata himself.  She really brought what was a sketch to a beautiful completion.

 I actually have one other piece that Leon and Caravaggia worked on as well. I will be posting that next.  It's a real blast from the past.  I haven't done anything with that characters since then, to be honest!  Other than that, I don't have that much to post.  This is because I bought a Switch.  My commissions had to suffer for the last few months, cause that thing is not cheap.  That's why there were so very few images posted this year so far.  That freaking machine, the games, controllers and stupid Amiibos really set me back.  BUT I did save and did my best to keep in a budget.  So, yeah...I should be good to go starting this month in supplying this site again! XD  I actually already started work on some Vann Illia stuff with FallenAngel and Lastmanouthere.  I have a little series planned for that.  It's already well under way.  I hope you guys haven't given up on this blog yet. It's not dead, it was just hibernating. :P

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