Sunday, March 19, 2017

Elk King In The Autumn Sun

Hello guys, as promised here is the second image from the vault.  This is the glorious Elk King!  A protector of the Pleistocene forests and the Prince of Mammals. The character was designed as a potential rival/friend of Dinosaurprince, both wanting the same thing for both their species.  He being next to possess the Earth Orb.  This awesome piece really should not have remained buried for so long.  Leon did a wicked job coming to him again.  We upped his design a bit, adding a few new features.  Leons style had changed a little over the years and you can really see it comparing the two images.  :D  After Caravaggia coloured this, I was going to save it for Halloween that year, but sadly it fell through the cracks as my life took a lot of crazy twists and turns.  2012, was a very life changing year for me.  I hope you guys enjoy this.  Elk King never got another go after this.  Maybe I should think about bringing him back and placing him with Vann and his friends.

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