Sunday, May 29, 2016

Tonia Pin Up By Yelmo

Hey guys! I got hot surprise from Yelmo this week.  An honestly birthday pin up as mentioned in the title of this post!  I like how Yelmo framed him around his tail, with the white outline.  It gives the piece the look of a sticker.  Our star from waaaay back when, is always a treat especially when Yelmo, the man who helped create him, sends him my way.  Tonia is looking really buff in those beefly lines Yelmo gave him.  He must have been working out with Skelldon all winter.   Looks like he is ready to get a little full body tan time!  If he needs some screen screen applied, I am sure many of you would oblige!  Thank you so much for the delightful birthday gift Yelmo.  It was very sweet of you to remember me! ^O^ Hugs.

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