Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sitting On The Throne, Still A Slave

A portrait of Pyis, was the enchanting gift sent to me from Lastmanouthere, on the evening of my 39th year.

"I don't normally do this, but since it is your birthday, I will make an exception. That said, do you see anything you like?"

Pyis, the protector of Pharaoh Fatep, is not prone to resting on her throne.  Then again, the brave in battle, but bashful in bed bodyguard is certainly not prone to exposing his dick and offering it up for some gay romance either.  I think there more enchantment here, than just the alluring lines of Lastman.  Perhaps Cleo slipped him something.  Of course, if it was him, then clutzy Cleos plan has backfired, with Pyis offering me that strong phallus to enjoy instead. Ha ha ha looks good on him.
I certainly see a lot I like Pyis.  Who doesn't? XD  Let me just get down on bended knee and offer you my service. (Bangs head on PC screen.)  Oh was worth a try.  One dream and screen shattered... Still as far as dreams coming true, a return of Pyis of this decadence is good enough!  Thank you so very much Lastman!  I might not be Pharaoh, but I felt like royalty getting this!

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