Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hunky Cupid Has Some Wishes From Valentines Long Past

Hey guys! I have a rather explosive Valentines post full of fun for you!  First off Guytoonist takes on Cupid once again!  He's been busy arming him with lovingly designed arrorw and a muscular body you just want to smear chocolates over and lick off.  Guytoonist sent me this extra special Valentine surprise earlier this week and I just had to insist on posting him up here for you guys to enjoy.  Check out that strawberry cream hair do. Yum, yum.  Guy certainly knows how to warm my heart during these coldest days of winter.

Cupid has brought some Valentines wish from days long past.  That bundle includes a very explosive Valentine from Dimata and Smilo!Wait till you get a 'load' of FallenAngels latest holiday masterpiece.  I came up with this one while at work.  (Never fun jotting down dirty ideas before you forget, while stuck up people travel to and fro behind you!)  Fallen pulled it into high gear to get this ready in time for the holiday.  It's his most vibrant Valentines card of all time!  I hope you all enjoy it!

Cupid brought even more greetings from days gone by. (Thanks to my enjoyment of collecting old valentines cards..) Here are some of my newest acquired ones featuring Scooby and Srappy, Rescue Rangers and Rogers Rabbit!

Roger Rabbit 1989:

 Scooby and Scrappy Doo from 1990:

 Rescue Rangers 1989:

Feel free to use these to spread some holiday cheer.  As for me, I would like to say that I am enjoying my New 3DS, but sadly the thing has dead pixels on the screen.  So...yeah, gonna have fun going through the repair process, since I can't return the stupid thing. (What with it being a limited edition and all.)
I drowned my sorrow in sweet art and spicy pizza:

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