Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Brother To Flowers: The Devious Nature Boy

Hello guys. Tonight I have the honor of presenting another spectacular work from Lastmanouthere for you to enjoy.  He certainly has been on a roll huh?  This is a new character that will one day be woven into an elaborate novel he is writing with our many Mayan characters.  This is Ikniuhxochitl, who's name I would have to rip out my tongue to pronounce correctly.  Even he knows it is difficult and goes by Xochitl for short.  His name meaning something a kin to 'Brother to Flowers' is actually very feminine, okay actually it's more of a girl Nahuatl name.  Still, being the flamboyant boy that he is, he quite likes it.  The other thing he likes is the peacefulness of the forest and jungles.  He's totally in tune with nature.  He has a way with animals and has many friends among the birds.  (Which lastman originally had perching on him in the initial sketch.)  This gentle side may in fact be a rouse. His intentions and the length to which he will go to achieve them have not been divulged to me.   I originally thought him a bit akin to Cleo from our Egypt Story. (He's like a lost cousin from across the flat Earth.)  I was assured that unlike the playful and cunning Cleo, this Mayan man hunter isn't playing games.

We shall all have to wait and see what Lastmanouthere has in store for us with him. For now we can at least gaze at his brilliance, beautifully drenched in the forest light.  There's something to be said about the minimal clothing of a shoulder toga. (That world is "ahooga!") Anyone want to go and pluck his flower with me? ;D

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