Friday, January 16, 2015

Little Mac Punch Out Orgy By Hanzise

What better way to end a long work week and start the weekend, but with an orgy?  And an orgy in a steam room after a boxing match, featuring Little Mac, doesn't get much better then this!  This glorious piece was drawn by the artist Hanzise, based on a concept I sent his way.  He did a totally wild job on the various cocks, especially Macs extra long, bent, cut cock! This was his first attempt at a drawing by using Paint Tool Sai and I would not have known, unless he told me. (Drawfed my first effort by million, that is for sure! LOL.)  Big thanks to Hanzise for this. I look forward to future projects with this artist.  Though I will deduct major points for him for posting this up online before I had a chance to see it myself.

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