Monday, January 12, 2015

Christmas Return Mini Comic

Tonight I have a special treat!  It's a little comic that Sirio and I started working on, just after the digital release of Hot Chocolate. It features two characters that are from the book. One, the Golden Gladiator, he other, the Silver Angel. (Okay so I just make up names for them!)  Sirio and I used the Gladiator waaaaaaaaay back when, in what I believe was our first project together.  Now 6 years later we are bringing Patrick Fillions pin up powerhouse back for another spotlight in our 2 page comic.  I hope you guys enjoy this.  We took a lot of inspiration from Hot Chocolate, picking my favorite cocks and some poses and working them together into one fun tribute piece. Sirio did a fantastic job, working really skillfully on each panel.

Our story starts with a young hero, who has been mortally wounded....


  1. Nice work Sirio-chan :D hot as always - FallenAngel

  2. Thanks FallenAngel ! ^___^

