Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mail Ouda Azade Leads The Scheherazade Warrior Parade

Special combo post today! Art and warriors! A ton of warriors...
First off FallenAngel sent me this so adorable image of  Mail Ouda Azade, aka  Scheherazade.    His take on the character is magnificent.  The character pours perfectly into his style. Man, what a wake up call this was.  I had big plans for him in January, but just never got it in gear.  Maybe after Halloween I shall see what I can come up with for him.  Thanks for the super dose of inspiration Fallen.

Naked In Sands of Time:

And The Rest! XD


  1. The boy in the jungle is very hot.
    Oh, and please go to Y!gallery. I've posted a new story about... well, I think you know who are the characters.

