Thursday, September 27, 2012

JD Hangs Around For Halloween

Tonight, the big, bright crescent moon is really effecting JD the gay Jersey Devil, thanks to the very talented artist Rent. I asked him to whip this inflated penis piece up for Guytoonists special day. The old boy turned 29 years young yesterday, so do wish him well, if you catch him around. Rent knows his mega sized cocks and bestowed upon JD the perfect pendulum to help him swing the haunted night away. I hope this enchanting image gets you in the mood for Halloween.

Ah, to be the man in the moon right now. I think I could easily fit both my arms up his foreskin hole! Hee hee. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Happy Bday Guytoonist! Nice work Rent, he damn sexy love that smile :D
