Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Taylor Kitsch Nude as John Carter Anime Style!

I find myself warming up to Taylor Kitsch as John Carter more and more. True Carter should have black hair and clean shaven, but what can you do? Besides, I have had a huge crush on this guy since I saw him play Gambit a few years back. (A very unfortunately underused character I thought.) He was nice eye candy in The Convenient too. So I got around to asking a couple artists to take him on as John Carter in their own style. FallenAngel was the first to complete an image of Disney's John Carter exposed. Hope you guys find him sexy! ^_^

John looks really fantastic in his anime style. :D Mr. serious doesn't realize his cock his hanging out. Wardrobe malfunction on Mars. He shaved him up and let us see what he would look like after being exposed him to the Martian sun. You know, he looks great with that tan. Fallens tan toning really brings out his chest and rock hard abs. He's always out running around in the desert areas of Mars, so I have to wonder why Taylor is so pale in the movie? I don't know if Taylor Kitsch is cut, or uncut, so for the first image FallenAngel drew him with a cut cock.

When I see early images of Taylor like this, I get to wondering how many nude shots there are of him that are still to be exposed online. I can dream can't I? ;D

Speaking of John Carter news around the web is spreading that Disney is recognizing Woolas popularity. He is being dubbed the companies newest breakaway star. So they released a bio for the creature.

I realize it's not as accurate to the books description of him as it could be, but it's still better then their first attempt......

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