Sunday, September 25, 2011

Peter Pan Fever

It's a huge thrill to see and get your picture taken with the various characters that walk around Disney. As silly as it may sound, once you are there, it's so cool and fun. You may even find yourself conversing with them. Anyway to make a long story short, I found myself being smitten with the sexy man playing Peter Pan. I finally started to get why people found the character so sexy. When I got home, I found that their are entire sites and youtube channels dedicated not only to Disney cast members, but ones just for Peter himself. One site had over 200 pages filled with images of Peter Pans from all over the world! So I got a bit of Peter Fever, Peter PAN Fever that is.
Well of course, when I got back I asked a couple artist to age Peter and give him a really full build. First up is FallenAngel, breathing some new life into an old classic:

Peters Pumped. Fallen did a great job on the elfish boy. He managed to turn him into a manly man, but keeping his youthful charms. I love how the leaves on the ends of his sleeves push out, making way for his large, rippling muscles. Very nice. He is quit the charmer with his lovely eyes and boyish hair. Fallen incorporated some new coloring techniques that give Peters outfit a very soft Disney feel.

So you have to wonder, how Pan got that big. Well, JCARTBLOG took care of that question. Here we can see he had a very special personal trainer, who taught him the advantages of growing up. Looks like Pan followed the same program Hercules did, taking him from scrawny teenager to total hunk by 18.

It was fun to see JCARTBLOG do some takes on Disney Characters again. I think the last one he did for me was Goliath from Gargoyles many moons ago. (In April 2010.) Both men turned out nice in JC's Style. He endowed them with some very handsome faces and sweet hair. I like the focused look the two heroes are giving each other. Herc is a true fitness nut. He really should be feeling Pans other throbbing muscle and ignoring that arm! XD I am sure he will get to that very soon. :P

As you will see from the images below, the artist took inspiration from the various actors and costumes Disney uses in their parks around the world. Given that Pan is portrayed by people from all over, we even switched up his cut/uncut status.

I had the pleasure of meeting this Peter Pan.

I think the Euro Disney Peters have the best costumes. JC based his Pans outfit on this design.

Stop trying to deny you're sexy, you stud you.

This is NOT a G rated moment in Disney World.

Dig the crazy tights.

Check out the neck and chest on this Peter! He needs to take that shirt off.

This Peter is just begging for you to come and get some!

Oh Those eyes and cheeks! You just wanna pinch 'em don't cha? XD

Is that acne I see? Oh Peter I do believe you grew up.

Apparently Brad Patton was hired to Play Peter at one point. Kidding. This is the gayest looking Peter I have seen so far. XD
I wonder what the exact ethnicity of this Peter is? He's certainly very steamy.


  1. Heyyy glad to see you had a great time ! This Peter looks good for sure and you make amazing photos !

  2. Thanks Ga_L. Actually the images were taken from some fan sites. There is a lot of them out there. :O My pictures are not as good. XD

  3. Man Dp's on that Peter Fan fever, run fer yer life! LOL* - FallenAngel :D

  4. Just so you can think happy thoughts, at Disneyland, in the Parades, Peter is played by Identical Triplets (one at a time of course) and they are all gay. The walk-around Peter's are not gay. There is one there that has been around for a couple of years and he is just the cutest of them all. Very playful and fun to watch, and talk too. But alas, he is straight.

  5. That's very interesting Lost Boy. Sounds like something out of a European porn with the triplets. LOL! That would be very interesting to see. I was never at Disneyland myself. Maybe one day I should go there too. I saw some videos of one guy that is very popular. I am assuming it's the same one. I personally I thought he was cute, but not my personal type. I found he played the part very well.
