Saturday, September 3, 2011

Class Comics Celebration 6: Felinoids and Finns By MioWorks

I can't believe it's Labor Day weekend already. Awe, man, where does summer go? :( As summer vacation comes to a close, so does the Class Comics Celebration feature. We're going out with a bang though. Here is two wonderful images from the ever talented MiOworks. First off and just perfect for Summer we have Lil' Deep and Mako Finn!

Looks like Mako lost the race. He's serving Lil Deep as his beach side waiter for the day. Mako Finn is a good sport. He doesn't mind, especially not with that enormous meat stick of Deeps so close at hand! Anything to get a little closer to that shark. I wonder; if Mako has power over sharks, could sway Lil' Deeps mind a bit? I don't think he would need to do much to have him partaking in a little end of summer sex on the beach! :P XD
This is a wonderful image, it's so warm and inviting. MiOworks art always has me smiling. I love the cheerful anime characters he creates. The way he colors makes the men simply sparkle! ^_^ If it rains I could spend this weekend looking at this and feel like I had a day at the beach! :P Hee hee.
Mako by Mio is super sexy with his cute little bow tie and his big full eyebrows. :P He's looking a little red on his perfect pecker. I think Deep needs to lean over and apply some sun tan lotion to his friends rod. XD And Deep, DAMN! He's too big for words. XD Why do I see Mio dropping this tray to catch that thing as it falls over? XD It would never go soft in Makos hands. Deep and Mako may have to make another appearance from Mio one day. We gotta see what happens next! :P

Next we end the celebration with some raunchy cat action:

Remember Kayxon from Felinoids 3? Well here he is with Blue from the same book in MiOworks stimulating style! Blue was a Felinoid that Flammer had his eye on. I wonder if they ever consummated their relationship? These scene comes after the rescue lead by Lenor. Kayxon is ready to party all night. Looks like Blue is a little pink and tender from all the fucking. He looks a little annoyed. He was on the edge of an orgasm. That is till Kayxon kept advancing on him. He was hoping to keep that cum in, but the motion of Kayxons big orange dick rubbing against his pecks set him off. At the sight, Kayxon too let his load lose too. I am sure Blue will be fine a few minuets. These are Felinoids, born to fuck! XD
And MiOworks is certainly born to draw these kinds of scenes! They are both so hunky and cuddly. Love the way Kayxon is arched over his 'prey.' Awesome job on his abs and huge shoulders. He's a bald bad boy. :P This may very well be the first fan art of Blue. The way MiO does him begs that there be more. We shall see. :) I have always wanted to commission this character since the book came out. I am very proud of the work MiO did on him. Blues cock looks like a big thick sausage! Yummy! LOL! XD

Thanks MiOworks! A perfect end to a week of adventure! Hope you bloggers liked it. It's not the end of the celebration. Summers ending, so I have lots of art to share to help ease the pain! XD
"Hey Deep, gimme some of that coconut milk, MiOs art dehydrated me! :P"


  1. Hee hee yep, if only I could find a beach full of that. :P

  2. Really nice selection. Lots of buffness and shiny skins. :B Lil Deep's lil thingy ain't such a LIL thingy in that topmost image though. XD Wowza. Love the brightness of the images. Very summery!

  3. Thanks Bu! I am glad you liked it! Yeah you can get a tan from long exposure to these! XD

  4. tout simplement magnifique !! xd

  5. Hey Matthew...

    Just wanted to say a great big "THANK YOU" to you and all of these wonderful and crazy-talented artists again for the incredible birthday bounty you sent my way this year. It's all so gorgeous and soooooo deeply appreciated. It was great seeing it here and reading all your thoughts and comments.

    I've started posting on BOYTOONS MAGAZINE again for the first time in a while, and I'll be doing a HUGE post featuring all of this gorgeous birthday art there too as further thanks! I'll keep ya posted and let you know when it's up!

    Lots of love to you and to all these terrific artists as well. You've all made me a very happy birthday boy!

    BIG BIG Hugz + kisses,
    Patrick XOXOX

  6. THanks everyone for the kind words! I'm glad you guys like the drawings. I had a lot of fun working on them! :)
