Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Birthday Blog Part 2 Madiunshorn and Bryce Peters!

As promised here is part 2 of my birthday blog. Two of my favorite characters drawn by two of my favorite guys! :D I have 3 very special people to thank for the first image: Patrick Fillion, Robert Fraser and Bryce Peters! XD It's Lil' Deep BoyToon Adventures style!

If you didn't already know from my review that I am HUGE fan of this style. BoyToons is among the top on my list of very favorite books from Class. Because of that, this image is a double dream come true. I gotta say that for years it has been a mutual wish of Adonix and myself that we would one day see our Lil'Deep drawn by our dear friend Patrick. I let out a little gasp as my heart stopped for a second when I laid eyes on him.
There is so much to say about this sea stud! Love his big blue nipples first off. They are yummy! And that tight slippery skin on his chest and abs with a slick wavy effect just makes me want to slide up and down him! LOL! It's cute how big his tail is in comparison to his tiny little feet! XD Bryce even added a lighter tone to the bottom of his feet. That's just soooooooo adorable! He Topped him off with a pure big and juicy Class Comics cock. That wrinkled up foreskin and bright pink head was my feast for the day! XD
Thank you so much again guys. He's amazing! Days later, I still want to pinch myself, make sure I am not dreaming. OW!!! XD

The next image is an extraordinary sketch by my dearest Mario! He drew up Dimata and judging by the numerous times I have commissioned him to draw the mammoth man, he could gamble I was really gonna be enjoying this!!!

Check out Dimata, strutting his stuff like a super model! Powermen ain't got nothing on the pen of Maduinshorn!

It's no secrete that I think Mario is one best artists out there. So getting this was greatly appreciated. The man really gets Dimata and it shows in every inch of him, from his perfect tusks, the killer muscles, to the wonderful placement of hair on his body. I think my favorite feature besides his wicked tusks and smile are the big heavy egg shaped balls! I just want to cup them!!! I like this so much I might even have to color it myself! :D Thank you so very much Mario.

Well guys I will end this by stating that these images both should have come with warnings on the e-mails, cause they are both da bomb!!!!

Catch you all tomorrow with more fun!!!! Still got one more birthday blog to come!


  1. Awesome :D kick ass gifts! HUGE lil Deep and Buff Dimata - FallenAngel

  2. Super duper, DP. :D I think you got two gems here. The toony one is really cool because of how vibrant it is and how exaggerated the body proportions are. I love this one a ton, really cool. Maduinshorn continues to rock out some really schweet sketches as well. I like the real bulk of Dimata on his sketch. Great pose as well. Cool collection here, Princy. X3

  3. Thank you very much BU! :D I am glad you liked them! ^_^
