Thursday, November 18, 2010

Joey and the Serpent Sequel

Hey guys. Long time no blog. Well I had a crazy week. Lots of ups and tons of downs. I dodged a nightmare, or two and am now kinda back on track. I wanted to post up a new image by FallenAngel. This is a sequel image to Crays picture. I really like the idea of having the two of them as friendly rivals. I still need to name this guy! Anyway here is what happened next after the two flexed by the pool...

I think I finally decided on his colors here. Fallens skin tone is nice and dark and mixes well with his pink frills. I really like how he made his bubble butt shine in the sunlight. XD Fallen insisted on making Joeys leg just like a real Kangaroos and it looks great. I think he did a great job on the pose, showing off the best parts of the boys and really giving them both strong beefy builds. Joyes arms are so big and thick. His pectorals are gigantic too!!! XD The image of two guys embracing on a diving board is something I personally feel strongly about. :) Thanks Fallen!

One of the reasons I was out of it this week and not blogging was the release of Mario Vs Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem on the DS. I didn't even know this game was coming out. The chance to rescue Pauline from DK is rare these days, so I all over this game. So much so that I completed it in one night! Even though it borrows heavily from the 2006 game, it does at least finally put Pauline back in the game instead of just having her in the opening and endings. It never felt right that Donkey Kong wasn't carrying her over his shoulder and running away with her after each battle in the last title. I recommend this game a lot. There is a lot of fun to be had as you create your own levels and reply it over and over. I hope this leads to more Pauline. I wish they had a midnight release of Donkey Kong Country this weekend in Canada.

1 comment:

  1. :D glad you like the pool side hotness - FallenAngel
