Thursday, February 14, 2019

Shadey Cupid For A Day

Hey guys!  Happy Valentines day!  I told you I might have another surprise for you!  Well I do thanks to Leon De Leon!  We both fell in love with Isaiah Shade, so I kindly asked him to please draw Class Comics newest hero hunk in this crazy concept I had in mind.  I hope you love it as much as I do!

Due to Isaiah doing such wonderful work down on Earth, the higher ups decided to let him have some fun this Valentines.  He gets to be cupid for a day...but the silly boy shot himself in the buns, while when aiming through a mirror for a trick shot.  You Know what that means! Someone is gonna be in love with themselves for the day!  He will be rubbing his cock raw long before that wears off. Hee hee.

Isaiah is a great new addition to the Class Comics cast.  I was so relived, (as were many others) that his story didn't have a tragic end.  He came back to us in a strip show and again in a fully fledge out comic called Gay For Slay. Which, I gotta recommend.  Is he competition for Byron and Emil in my heart?  Well...that is tough to say at this point in time. I wouldn't mind seeing them together..and wait it happened? Oh yeah check out this months Strip Show celebrating Black History Month over at Class Comics. (Where unlike so many online sex comics featuring black men, they are not one dimensional characters in stories filled with  deplorable racism and outdated, stupid stereotypes.) 

Dang Patrick!!! You can't leave a boy fully hard like this! 
Please make this orgy happen one day!!!!

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