Sunday, July 22, 2018

Getting A Summer Suck Off Like It's 1998

Hey guys!  We got some retro cool for you, to end your steamy July weekend with.  It's Hayato getting some fellatio from Rikuo by FallenAngel.  Remember sexy Hayato? Capcoms answer to avoiding Star Wars copyrights and still having Jedi in their fighting games?  Maybe he would have been more popular if his games were 2D instead of Lego blocks...but I digress. (LOL I Have no love of PS1 graphics anymore.)
I am sure the Capcom fans of the 90s remember him.  Especially his 2D form that came a little bit too late. (Cries.)  No I am kidding. He is very fondly remembered in 3D too I am sure!
FallenAngel and I are very proud to present this to you! It's been a good long time since we had Rikuo, let along Hayato on this site by FB.  I am happy that we chose them for our latest project.  So we hope this spreads a little 90s joy into your hearts too!

Fallen was sweet enough to do a couple versions.  He didn't want to hide that perfect body under that T-shirt you know... ;D  Hope you guys like it!

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