Saturday, March 24, 2018

Vann Illia And The Centaurs Curse

Well, well, well...What have we here?   Looks like Vann could not get through St. Patrick's Day without causing trouble for himself.  The boastful barbarian went on a bender, all the while boasting about his boner.  Instead of doing it to some sweet young thing, he was bragging about his horse sized cock to a group of leprechauns.  Turns out, they don't like being told they are smaller than a common fairy. (Even if he is half human.)  So, they did as they often to do annoying people....they cast a spell, making his boast, his curse.  So now Vann has the the horse dick he claimed to have, along with a body to match.  Oh he can return to normal, don't you worry.  It will just take all of Pengs efforts for the next little while, to drain him of every last drop of centaur sperm.  When his gigantic testicles as fully drain, then and only then, will the spell be broken.  The problem is, Vann who is normally hard to satisfy is really digging this hefty new appendage. Watching something so massive shoot torrents of cum, only drives him into a deeper lust.  He is bound to tire his body out eventually...we hope.  

This gorgeous drawing was done by Kagami06!  It has been a little while since we last worked together.  As they say, distance makes the heart grown founder and I couldn't be any founder of this piece if I tried!  His images of Vann Illia are always a delight.  So, watching him turn Vann into a centaur, (Another hot speciality of his.) was anything but, a curse!  Super huge hugs to him for doing such an inspiring job on both these men!  This looks like a production shot from an animated porno! (I wish!!!)

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