Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Pretus Kerikar The Ox

Pretus is part of the same gang with Tristan, Milne and Val. He is a character that has been brewing in the mind of Lastmanouthere for 10 years.  All that time spent cooking him up, has resulted in the most divine of dishes.  A godly treat, our mortal eyes are not worthy of receiving!!  He may be described as a mere 'civilised barbarian' but there is air of something more to him. Something that makes you just want to bend at the knees and Lastmanouthere has risen the bar to heaven with this creation.  Get the tissues ready and I will grab the lube.  Prepare to enjoy the hottest entry of August!!! What a way to end the summer!

Pretus Kerikar, whose name roughly translates "musk ox born wester-born", is an adventure-seeking warrior from the eastern White Plains. Pretus comes from a tribe which, in the past, saw massive Scal intermingling, and hence his traits are more Scal than Besar. This also makes him one of the so-called "civilized barbarians", which are moderately accepted among Prarians and other civilized nations as sell-swords and adventurers.

Pretus left his village to seek his fortune when he was just a teenager, following the loss of both his fathers. He travelled for years from Praria to Urodelos, then Cayis, Saron, and Lisia, from where he got word of the Guild's recruitment of mercenaries for its own Patrols in the wildest district of Dalea, south from his own home. Journeying west, he stopped in Arcadia, where sights of Besar barbarians weren't usual, and got some trouble for being so foolhardy and brash. It was only by the intervention of Milne, a mystic whose vision had guided him to Pretus, that the Besar got the chance to be recruited into the Guild Patrol.

Milne followed Pretus, and both ended up in Tristan's unit in Dalea. Their task was to secure the roads and eliminate troublesome highwaymen and monsters which could hinder the Guild's plans on settling the wild areas, but it became clear soon that Tristan had his own agenda, and Pretus and Milne had been involved into something larger than they imagined.

Pretus's weapon of choice is the double-headed battleaxe, which he swings easily thanks to his massive strength, a clear Besar trait. He wears silver jewellery with motives and shapes typical of his native White Plains, but has otherwise adapted his outfit according to the places he has visited in his adventures. Pretus is at the same time a reckless adventurer and a serious fighter; all talk and fluster until the inevitable fight comes, and then turns into a deadly, relentless opponent. While he initially ridicules Milne's belief in his visions and his swallow companion, he come to deeply care and love the man, and even to like the bird.

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